The research conducted within our unit has allowed the emergence and constitution of several start-ups in the last 6 years. 5 of them are highlighted below :
SILTISS aims to develop, produce and market biomaterials of natural origin which promote or induce tissue regeneration processes.
The first applications concern bone substitutes for the orthopedic, dental and maxillofacial surgery sectors. These class III medical devices are derived from innovative biomaterials based on implantable natural polysaccharides which stimulate bone tissue regeneration and require CE marking before marketing. Other applications should follow.
This startup emerged from basic research of Team 3.
Les premiers pas d’une entreprise prometteuse
SILTISS, filiale du groupe SILAB, est née de la rencontre entre Jean Paufique, biologiste, brillant entrepreneur, et Didier Letourneur (Team 3), éminent chercheur en Biomatériaux.
Le groupe SILAB s’est imposé comme un leader mondial sur le marché des actifs naturels destinés à la peau saine. Son expertise scientifique et technologique largement reconnue aujourd’hui l’ont naturellement conduit à s’ouvrir au domaine de la reconstruction et la réparation des tissus lésés avec la création de sa filiale SILTISS.déclare Jean PAUFIQUE, Président-Fondateur de SILAB, Président et co-fondateur de SILTISS.
En avril 2016, SILTISS a acquis les droits exclusifs d’utilisation d’une technologie d’ingénierie tissulaire élaborée par l’Inserm.
Cette nouvelle société se dote de moyens technologiques, humains et financiers pour aborder des développements ambitieux de produits innovants en médecine réparatrice. C’est une réelle opportunité de permettre le transfert d’activités de recherches biomédicales vers l’industrieprécise Didier LETOURNEUR, Directeur de Recherche CNRS et Directeur de l’U1148 Inserm, co-fondateur de SILTISS, récompensé du Prix George Winter de la Société Européenne des Biomatériaux.
De solides appuis
SILTISS bénéficie de la puissance financière et opérationnelle du groupe SILAB qui met à sa disposition ses locaux, ses salles propres offrant des classes A/B ou ISO 5, et ses nombreuses expertises, en particulier celles de ses équipes de R&D. Cela se concrétise dans un premier temps par la préparation de certification ISO 13485 de SILTISS et le lancement des phases pré-cliniques, puis cliniques permettant l’obtention du marquage CE, indispensables avant toute commercialisation d’un dispositif médical.
SILTISS est une société au capital de 300 000 euros, soutenue par le financement d’un fonds indépendant, Biotech Développement SILAB – Jean PAUFIQUE, dont la volonté est d’apporter un soutien technique et financier à de jeunes sociétés innovantes dans le secteur des biotechnologies. Elle reçoit également l’appui de deux administrateurs reconnus pour leur expertise dans ce secteur, Joëlle AMEDEE, Directeur de Recherche à l’Inserm à Bordeaux en Bioingénierie Tissulaire (U1026), et Jean-Christophe FRICAIN, Professeur des Universités à l’Unité de Formation et de Recherche d’odontologie, Praticien Hospitalier au CHU de Bordeaux, Directeur de l’U1026.
Acticor Biotech is a clinical stage biotechnology company, founded in 2013 as a spin-off of INSERM, developing an innovative drug for the treatment of acute thrombotic diseases, including the acute phase of ischemic stroke.
This startup emerged from basic research of Team 6.
Acticor Biotech is developing glenzocimab (ACT017), a humanized Antibody Fragment (Fab). The therapeutic candidate is directed against a novel target of major interest, the platelet glycoprotein VI (GPVI), and inhibits its action. Evidence of antithrombotic efficacy of glenzocimab and safety of inhibition of GPVI have been established both ex vivo and in vivo. The target GPVI is involved in the growth of the thrombus, but not in physiological haemostasis. This limits the bleeding risk associated with its inhibition.
In February 2018, Acticor Biotech announced the completion of its phase I clinical trial in healthy volunteers. The primary endpoint assessing safety and tolerability of glenzocimab was achieved with no serious adverse event reported at any of the doses tested (Voors-Petteet al. ATVB 2019).
In October 2020, Acticor Biotech announced the success of its ACTIMIS dose escalation phase of glenzocimab Study (NCT03803007) on top of the standard of care in patients with acute ischemic stroke.
This Dose Escalation Phase was successfully completed with 60 patients enrolled from 6 European countries (France, Belgium, Germany, Spain, Switzerland and Italy). The Drug Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) confirmed the safety of the 1000mg Target Dose.
Glenzocimab (ACT017) is currently being evaluated in the second part of ACTIMIS (phase 2a) international, multi-center clinical trial, in an additional 100-patient group dosed and randomized with either 1000mg of glenzocimab, or its matching placebo, as add-on to Thrombolysis and/or Mechanical Thrombectomy in Patients with acute ischemic stroke.
Tridek-One is a biotechnology company focused on developing first in class immunomodulatory products targeting the CD31 pathway. We are exploring a new approach for the management of immuno-inflammatory diseases. Our product has an holistic approach allowing a modulation of the immune response when overactivated.
This startup emerged from basic research of Team 1.
Kapto-medical is a spin-off of Team 1, based on a patented technology applicable to mechanical thrombectomy medical devices. A coating called KAPTO was developed. It improves clot capture and clot retention by selectively targeting NETs integral to clots and leveraging their stickiness.
This startup emerged from basic research of Team 1.
X. Treton (Team 3) co-founded in 2021 Thabor Therapeutics, a biotechnology company focused on treating human mucosal inflammatory diseases by inhibiting a new target that could be implied in the early inflammatory process and the recruitment of innate immunity cells. The company aims to develop first-in-class drugs targeting specifically a new class of proteins involved in the resolution of the inflammation.
This startup emerged from basic research of Team 3.