Team 5: Atherothrombotic Disease in Heart and Brain

Group leaders: Gabriel STEG & Grégory DUCROCQ

The Atherothrombotic disease in heart and brain team (Team 5, P.G. Steg) focuses on clinical epidemiology of CAD (P. Gabriel Steg) and stroke (P. Amarenco), via the design, conduct and analysis of large-scale observational registries and of randomized clinical trials. The team received French government funding for an integrated research program on innovations in atherothrombosis science (RHU IVASC) which involves ongoing epidemiologic studies and interventional studies to establish the relationship(s) between chronic periodontitis, sleep disordered breathing, and atherothrombosis. The registry established the benefit of rapid management of transient ischaemic attacks through specialized centers worldwide, initially and at 5-year follow-up.

Recent trials have studied the impact of lipid lowering interventions after acute coronary syndromes (using alirocumab, a PCSK9 inhibitor, in the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES trial) or after ischaemic stroke in patients with atherothrombosis (comparing two target LDL cholesterol levels, in the TST trial which established the clinical benefit of targeting LDL to <70 mg/dL rather than 100 mg/dL). A large-scale trial, THEMIS (the largest randomized trial in diabetes) established the value of dual antiplatelet therapy with ticagrelor and aspirin in patients with stable CAD and diabetes, particularly if they have a prior history of percutaneous coronary intervention.

The research program will be developed on 3 different and synergistic aspects:

1/ Registry-based randomized clinical trials and novel trial designs

2/ Deep learning and cardiology

3/ Evaluation of novel risk factors for atherothrombosis.

Family name
First name
STEGPhilippe GabrielPUPH01.


Weintraub WS, Bhatt DL, Zhang Z, Dolman S, Boden WE, Bress AP, Bellows BK, Derington CG, Philip S, Steg G, Miller M, Brinton EA, Jacobson TA, Tardif J, Ballantyne CM, Kolm P. 2024. Cost‐Effectiveness of Icosapent Ethyl in REDUCE‐IT USA: Results From Patients Randomized in the United States. JAHA 13:e032413.
Wiernik E, Renuy A, Kab S, Steg PG, Goldberg M, Zins M, Caligiuri G, Bouchard P, Carra MC. 2024. Prevalence of self‐reported severe periodontitis: Data from the population‐based CONSTANCES cohort. J Clinic Periodontology jcpe.13969.
Gautier A, Picard F, Ducrocq G, Elbez Y, Fox KM, Ferrari R, Ford I, Tardif J-C, Tendera M, Steg PG, CLARIFY investigators, Guerrero AA, Basara M, Belcastro F, Bertarini JA, Cazenave C, Dreycopp H, Egido J, Estrella J, Garofalo D, Giordano J, Lagioia H, Lago N, Greca RL, Lema L, Cabanillas NL, Luquez H, Miller C, Prada E, Rodenas P, Schena RG, Suarez G, Tomatti A, Colquhoun DM, Conradie A, Cox S, Cross D, Fathi R, Fitzgerald B, Hamilton-Craig I, Holt G, Jayasinghe SR, Mai N, Moolman J, Motyer RA, Phillips K, Rafter A, Rahman A, Rainbird A, Scalia G, Taylor A, West P, Alford K, Amor R, Astridge P, Bastian B, Bates F, Doohan MM, Du Plooy J, Ford JC, Kanagaratnam L, Khoury V, Parkin R, Rogers J, Sceats G, Waldman A, Wang D, Wright S, Ardill J, Aylward P, Beltrame JF, Bradley J, Heddle W, Joseph M, Rajendran S, Varughese S, Brice E, Hockings B, Janssen J, Kozlowski A, O’Shea J, Tan J, Playford DA, Woollard K, Ajani A, Barron G, Better N, Carruthers T, Chan B, Chan R, Cotroneo J, Counsell JT, Eccleston DS, Forge BHR, Hamer A, Horrigan M, Jelinek VMJ, Lew R, O’Donnell D, Panetta F, Sebastian M, Shetty P, Soward A, Srivastava P, Strathmore NF, Sylivris S, Szto G, Veth V, Yip T, Badr-Eslam R, Kleemann L, Steurer G, Mörz-Proszowski B, Auhser F, Teleky U, Sepp G, Beinhauer A, Kerö D, Lavicka C, Perger T, Hadjiivanov V, Feldner-Busztin M, Mika R, Filip W, Mahr A, Toplak J, Millauer MG, Haralambus P, Walcher K, Karner KH, Ziak E, Painsipp P, Frank U, Suntinger A, Gritsch W, Bode G, Herrmann R, Raffelsberger R, Topf H, Moser E, Föchterle J, Honsig T, Mayr K, Mayr H, Kaserbacher R, Dzien A, Galehr E, Felbermayer M, Schwarz R, Amini R, Appeltants H, Ballet A, De Niel C, Berkenboom G, Bernard X, Bouvy T, Claeys M, Dascotte Y, Davin L, De Backer T, De Meester A, De Ridder S, Dendale P, Denef K, Emonts M, Geraedts JTM, Goethals M, Grégoire J-M, Herbots T, Hoffer E, Hutse WHJ, Lafontaine P, Lefebvre P, Lesseliers H, Odent G, Pasquet A, Peperstraete B, Purnode P, Rogowsky A, Rosseel M, Salembier J-P, Surmont P, Vandeplas AMF, Van De Walle S, Van Den Branden F, Vandergoten P, Vanhauwaert BG, Vanneste L, Vercammen J, Verleyen D, Vermander D, Weytjens C, De Lorenzo AR, Issa AFC, Mioto BM, Vianna CDB, Okawabata C, Rossi EG, Fernandes F, Pitella F, Cesena FHY, Ferreira JFM, Junior JF, Tonet L, Cesar LM, Gowdak LH, Matos MA, Moretti M, Amato RV, Munhoz RT, Coimbra SR, De Lorenzo AR, Issa AFC, Mioto BM, Vianna CDB, Okawabata C, Rossi EG, Fernandes F, Pitella F, Cesena FHY, Ferreira JFM, Junior JF, Tonet L, Cesar LM, Gowdak LH, Matos MA, Moretti M, Amato RV, Munhoz RT, Coimbra SR, Luqman HN, Yakovova S, Mantcheva M, Mincheva V, Baurenski L, Karastanev K, Yordanova V, Peneva Y, Wong P, Fagan M, Sabe-Affaki G, Villasenor FM, Son WK, Manyari DE, Giacomantonio N, Lubelsky BJ, Ezekiel D, Leong JCS, Grover A, Vavougios J, Pesant Y, Kushner AM, Yeung MMW, Vertes GE, Nasser-Sharif FJ, Spensieri D, Roy A, Nguyen TT, Leclair M, Morra P, Biglow CE, Baril JF, Lai K, Wong DS, Martinho V, Antoniadis GA, Searles GR, Rouse D, Brisson G, Wong SK, Collette RS, Ho MSC, Constance C, Gendreau R, Kellam GW, Lara TAC, Boyrazian HA, Shamsuzzaman M, Spink DR, T Wong AP, Janes J, Czarnecka M, Saulnier D, Levesque G, Clavette PF, Kokis A, Orenstein-Lyall TL, Pandey AS, Robb J, Verret G, Czarnecki W, Perreault F, Chouinard G, Lafrance G, Fullerton GM, LeBouthillier P, Tran QH, Marrero IR, Ramadan FB, Talbot P, Fazil MA, Cha JY-M, Garg S, Chehayeb R, Roy B, Chan YK, Harlos HE, Matheson HB, Patel R, Vaz GF, Bhatt JS, Liu E, Ashton TH, Sullivan H, Quinn LP, Yared K, Gupta AK, Sullivan B, Campbell J, Pallie S, Kim HH, Savard D, Cherry JM, Gold J, Brouillette G, Belanger A, Berlingieri J, Nisker W, Boutros G, Bakbak AI, Lasalle L, Chen LL, Chen MH, Chen MY, Chen XP, Chen YD, Cong HL, Ding SF, Dong JT, Dong SH, Du ZM, Feng LL, Gao W, Ge H, Ge SJ, Guo T, Guo Y, Huang Z, Huo Y, Jin HG, Ke YN, Li HW, Li HM, Li ZC, Li YJ, Liu JL, Liu QL, Liu SW, Lv SZ, Miao W, Pan GZ, Pu XD, Qian ZM, Su X, Tao JH, Wang HP, Wang JA, Wang NF, Wang T, Wang W, Wang Y, Wei M, Wu SY, Wu YJ, Xiong LG, Xu D, Yan J, Yang K, Yang M, Yang TL, Yang XL, Yu JM, Zeng HS, Zhang H, Zhang HQ, Zhang L, Zhou SX, Zhou YL, Bozkova J, Carda J, Dedkova S, Dufka A, Fridrich J, Hodac T, Jirmar R, Kadleckova A, Karlicek M, Krupicka J, Kuchar J, Lavicka V, Leso J, Lorenc Z, Micko M, Navratil P, Petrova I, Povolna P, Raisova L, Raska P, Ravlyk V, Schlesingerova S, Smrckova E, Sternthal P, Stursova H, Vymetal P, Wiggers P, Markenvard J, Andersen LK, Frost L, Refsgaard J, Strange S, Egstrup K, Sykulski R, Hildebrant P, Haghfelt T, Ege M, Saaby L, Cattan S, Adam-Blanpain M, Adda M, Aimouch N, Ardouin L, Assouline S, Aumjaud A, Barjhoux C, Baroudi R, Beaurain C, Bennouna MA, Bernard A, Bernardeau C, Blanc E, Blum-Decary I, Bodur G, Boesch C, Bonal J, Bonhomme R, Bonnet JL, Bories J, Bourachot ML, Brumelot F, Petaut MB, Brunschwig C, Buffet P, Calmettes P, Centa I, Chartier B, Chemin P, Chometon F, Cohen J, Colin R, Cottin Y, Crespo F, Dabboura A, David F, Dehayes P, Dematteo P, Dibon O, Dodemant P, Dormagen V, Dreyfus X, Dubois JM, Duclos F, Ducoudre M, Duprez O, Durand P, Durand E, Egloff P, Escande M, Berdou MCE, Ashari GE, Feldmann I, Ferrieres J, Foltzer E, Fontanet B, Garandeau M, Garban T, Geffroy S, Gillet T, Godart S, Gosse P, Gratia P, Greiner O, Gueusquin A, Guiu E, Guy JM, Haddad S, Hennebelle V, Honorat S, Hourany A, Hua G, Jacquier P, Jean S, Jeremiasz R, Kohler P, Lacroix A, Leandri M, Lemiere Y, Liautard M, Loheac P, Louchart JC, Magnus P, Maheu B, Malaterre HR, Manchet G, Mantoux J, Manzi D, Marachli M, Maroun M, Meneveau N, Messas E, Mougeolle JL, Mouhat T, Muller J, Naisseh M, Nocon P, Onger D, Ouguoujil A, Ovize M, Page E, Pareathumby K, Pleskof A, Poinson P, Pons G, Pouderou P, Poujois JN, Probst V, Prunier F, Prunier L, Puel V, Rechtman D, Rennert R, Rijavec B, Riou Y, Robert J, Roche C, Roul G, Salaun B, Saleh B, Sandalian A, Sander M, Schenowitz A, Silvestre A, Soleille H, Tabet S, Tardy M, Thomas-Richard F, Truong B, Varaldi J, Vial H, Walch JM, Wazana M, Zeitouni R, Audibert H, Alizon F, Amlaiky A, Asplanato M, Baranes C, Bariaud M, Bernasconi F, Bousquet P, Ceraulo C, De Geeter G, Donetti J, Doucet B, Doucet J, Dutoya T, Ennouchi D, Fallacher MH, Fouquet G, Fourchard V, Gdalia J, Grollier G, Guerard S, Jeannerat PA, Jobic Y, Joulie V, Jourdain P, Jouve V, Ketelers R, Khaznadar G, Kohan P, Koujan B, Lammens B, Landragin I, Moal EL, M’Bey D, Maes F, Morlet SM, Massabie R, Meddah D, Meriaux FX, Mestre-Fernandes C, Meyssonnier P, Migliore M, Milewski J, Millet JF, Mingam S, Nazeyrollas P, Paganelli F, Pellerin F, Petitjean F, Pinzani A, Pladys A, Primot P, Pucheu A, Rahali A, Ravoala P, Rousson D, Samama P, Sardon M, Silvestri R, Soskin P, Tabone X, Tricot C, Vaquette B, Vogel M, Weingrod M, Aboyans V, Amoretti R, Aubry J, Berthezene P, Binet D, Bonnaud X, Bonnet P, Bonny A, Bouchaya T, Boureux C, Bourgeois JM, Brottier L, Cavert B, Cleron S, Dechoux E, Delhomme C, Detienne JP, Dubs JP, Faudon B, Fellous F, Fressonnet R, Garaud Y, Garcia D, Geneves M, Gleizes JL, Guyetand C, Hermellin B, Iovescu D, Kanner JP, Khanoyan P, Leherissier A, Maximovitch A, Merian B, Messali P, Moreau Y, Moyal J, Payot L, Peuch LP, Prevot JL, Raymond P, Relange D, Reymond S, Robert JF, Rosenstein H, Schneider J, Schultz R, Tanielian P, Thoin F, Thomas L, Touzet P, Steg G, Sauvinet GAO, Domengetroy FB, Chamou K, Etcheverry B, Farges JL, Fraboulet JY, Goralski M, Janody D, Mamez B, Manlay W, Paillard F, Pelier F, Petit A, Skonieczny M, Augarde R, Fournier JB, Liandrat S, Lim P, Noury AI, Paris D, Saade M, Stordeur JM, Danchin N, Pornin M, Fauchier L, Galinier M, Balice-Pasquinelli MA, Sosner P, Yvorra S, Delcoulx E, Mouquet F, Poulard JE, Sudre A, Heno P, Biausque F, Guenoun M, Attia G, Pouwels S, Carpentier L, Verbrugge E, Ziccarelli C, Elkohen M, Tricoire J, Lang P, Huttin O, Altevogt B-M, Altmann U, Baar M, Berrisch-Rahmel S, Birkenhagen A, Bläse I, Blindt R, Bosch R, Brattström A, Breuer H-H, Castrucci M, Cicek-Hartvig S, Cierpka R, Claus M, Deissner M, Drexler M, Eggeling T, Eisele G, Enayat D, Frickel S, Gessner S, Giokoglu K, Gmehling J, Goss F, Grooterhorst P, Gysan DB, Haberl R, Haerer W, Jun NH, Heinemann-Meerz S, Henschel F, Hinrichsen M, Hofer W, Hofmeister A, Hoh G, Horstkotte E, Jäger F, Jeserich M, Keil U, Killat H, Kimmel S, Kindel M, Kindler P, Kleta S, Könemann J, König K, Krause-Allmendinger H, Kronberg K, Kruck I, Männl V, Meinel A, Mentz G, Meyer-Michael E, Mibach F, Möller S, Muth S, Nelböck-Huber E, Ohlmeyer D, Özkan-Rashed Z, Paulus C-P, Perings S, Placke J, Raters C, Reifart N, Rink A, Rybak K, Salecker I, Schermaul K-H, Schlesinger-Irsch U, Schmidt E, Schmitz K-H, Schön N, Schröder T, Sievers B, Simon M, Spengler U, Speth-Nitschke M, Stumpp A, Szabo S, Taggeselle J, Tamm A, Thelemann A, Thelemann C, Thümmel H, Unger G, Utech A, Volmar J, Wauer B, Wehr G, Weinrich L, Weinrich R, Windstetter U, Wirtz JH, Wittlich N, Ziehn P, Zündorf P, Wahshi YA, Singh PP, Narayan A, Tamimi FA, Yazeedi JA, Ayche M, Lawati AA, Dhanki MA, Salustri A, Salah T, Tamimi MY, Agrawal A, Wassef A, Baslaib F, Radaideh GA, Yusufali A, Bazargani N, Akbar M, Wahab HA, Malak SA, Ghaly I, Hafez H, Kandari FA, Haiba M, Alanbaei M, Gomaa MM, Khalifa A, Avgerinos C, Gouli O, Stergiou D, Alexopoulos I, Pappas C, Petropoulos I, Chatzioakim G, Pontikakis N, Priftis C, Mpompoth P, Bourazanis I, Papathanasioy A, Avlonitis S, Zakopoulos C, Koutsimpanis G, Tsamopoulos I, Christoforidis C, Zachos V, Kalaras P, Karachaliou M, Liatas C, Pournaras G, Theodorakis G, Orestis I, Panisois K, Chalkiadakis E, Arfaras V, Kolios G, Boutsikos P, Kotsalos A, Mitropoulos D, Samothrakitis A, Svolis K, Anastasiou E, Gkinis T, Dalampyras P, Kalampalikis A, Leontaridis I, Gabriilidis S, Konstantinidis I, Plastiras V, Tarenidis P, Marozsán I, Édes I, Czuriga I, Cziráki A, Tóth K, Dongó Á, Túri P, Forster T, Borbola J, Bachmann B, Masszi G, Orbán M, Gerges G, Balogh G, Bajcsi É, Takács I, Nagy L, Kisjós B, Jánosi A, Nagy A, Nagy K, Büttl A, Lippai J, Sziegl Z, Malkócs Z, Földi A, Fikker K, Szabó E, Forrai R, Sebõk Z, Merkely B, Gupta R, Natarajan S, Dalal J, Saran RK, Mehta A, Samal MP, Khan IA, Ghose T, Sawhney JPS, Roy T, Chandra S, Modi S, Singh MM, Vijayaraghavan G, Murthy LS, Ramesh SS, Dayasagar RV, Chenniappan MS, Vadavi A, Kunhali K, Reddy KS, Vallal ST, Khera P, Prasad B, Shukla D, Trivedi AK, Ahuja R, Rawal J, Karnik R, Hiremath MS, Kumbla DK, Shetty SR, Chonkar NS, MJuneja L, Goyal BK, Sheahan R, Daly C, Vaughan C, Fleming S, Shiels P, Keelan P, Kiernan T, Day B, Kelly K, MacNamara F, Maguire B, Clifford A, O’Gara A, Guardigli G, Pes G, Caridi G, Frattola A, Doronzo B, Riccioni G, Lacchè A, Massari F, Orazi S, Carretta D, Provvidenza M, Pedretti R, Nicolino A, Felis S, Pernice V, Gaglione A, Gori P, Martina P, d’Alessandro V, Giacomazzi F, Terrosu P, Cernetti C, Antonicelli R, Ansalone G, Balbi M, Tamburino C, Moretti L, Tantillo S, Patriarchi F, Proietti F, Sinicropi G, Maragoni G, Mallamaci V, d’Este D, Azzolini P, Brscic E, Bongo S, Gigantino A, Perna G, Mayer MS, Rosa CL, Muscio G, Scollo V, Magliari F, Pio CP, Castellari M, Pasquale PD, Scalzo D, Saporito F, Capuano N, Alitto F, Marchionni N, Turiel M, Bianco A, Greco C, Marullo L, Testa R, Vicentini A, Novo S, Varra FL, Tavazzi L, Conte MR, Lazerevic Z, Colivicchi F, Macchi C, Mule JD, Sibilio G, Achilli A, Proto C, Kang SM, Koo BK, Hong SK, Kim W, Lee SH, Yoo BS, Seo HS, Gwon HC, Kang DH, Kwon HM, Chae IH, Oh SJ, Shin JH, Goh CW, Byun YS, Zo JH, Hong TJ, Kim DS, Cha TJ, Ryu JK, Kim YJ, Hwang JY, Hur SH, Jeong MH, Oh SK, Jin DK, Jung KT, Rhew JY, Lee S, Jeon DW, Yoon SJ, Kim SH, Mintale I, Latkovskis G, Hansone S, Rozkova N, Baika A, Jasinkevica I, Abele S, Laizane I, Pontaga N, Ecina V, Mihailova I, Kondratovica A, Laucevičius A, Jurgaitienė R, Šlapikas R, Barauskienė G, Jankauskienė E, Revienė S, Zaronskienė D, Šlapikienė OB, Kupstytė N, Rinkūnienė E, Steponėnienė R, Kojelienė J, Badarienė J, Dženkevičiūtė V, Sadauskienė E, Butkuvienė I, Stankevičius R, Paliulionienė R, Snikytė R, Mažutavičius R, Jamaluddin AN, Rahim AAA, Yusof AKM, Chee KH, Sadiq MA, Ramanaidu S, Sim KH, Ong TK, Fong AYY, Chang BC, Chua SK, Cham YL, Amin NHM, Tan SK, Khiew NZ, Said A, Abdullah CK, Cheah YW, Sinnadurai J, Lau KKH, Choor CK, Sia KK, Ang CC, Singh JSA, Wahab MZA, Wong CK, Ghapar AK, Muthu A, Mahendran KA, Jaafar AH, Ng KH, Ruhani AI, Tahir HAR, Manap HA, Ch’ng BSK, Ch’ng ET, Abdullah AS, Ismail O, Sahar AS, Kareem BBA, Kader MASA, Ma SK, Chan KK, Goh TH, Singh A, Liew HB, Chu CM, Bhaskaran RKM, Shah RP, Joseph KL, Hasni HN, Ng WK, Choo GH, Saaidin N, Yeo CK, Lai VM, Lai YC, Tay MH, Lim BA, Luqman HN, Esperon GL, Alvarez JDJZSYA, Manzur FA, Sánchez CJ, Rojas JC, Calvillo JC, Aranguren FP, Sánchez CM, Sangabriel AÁ, Vieyra G, Romero SG, Barragán AP, Escalante FR, Paez JC, Valadez EF, Gaxiola E, Manautou LE, Otero OH, Bustillos MB, Pons JLL, Álvarez EG, Santana JRR, Redding JM, Mendoza AA, Briones IR, Arellano JDJR, León JLA, Gamba MA, Alexanderson E, Esparza MER, Sifuentes LAE, Briseño JL, Rodriguez ES, Delgado MLF, Navarrete SS, Juarezy UC, Pinales AL, Castro A, Carpio RC, Rodríguez E, Rojas G, Solache G, Juárez RD, Baleón R, Solorio CF, Reyes HAR, Martínez ML, Maldonado MAR, De La Peña JE, Orozco JHJ, Cisneros FAR, Gil JÁ, López GB, Ibarra MODLR, I Tulevski I, Somsen GA, Miedema K, Chlewicka I, Brodzicki P, Stasiuk T, Szałkowski P, Kulig W, Maliszewski M, Królicka K, Zdrojewska J, Nikodemska I, Szpak A, Wrębiak-Trznadel M, Prokop A, Szulc M, Olszewski A, Kępa W, Banach J, Węglarz M, Gałuszka-Bilińska A, Królak A, Cisowska-Drozd E, Orzechowski K, Jeżewska M, Adamaszek K, Glanowska G, Pitsch T, Matuszewska G, Nowowiejska-Wiewióra A, Dereń M, Walawski G, Sołtysiak M, Wysocki R, Jarosiński G, Drzewiecka A, Ługowski T, Jankowska A, Błaszczak P, Drozd J, Łotocka E, Duchowska R, Sobczyk D, Jarmużek P, Sidor M, Adamczyk-Kot D, Sudnik J, Cygler J, Skoczylas I, Poprawa B, Kisiel L, Kossowska U, Sikorska-Buczkowska B, Modzelewska K, Demianiuk B, Streb W, Mularek-Kubzdela T, Bogdański P, Kaźmierczak E, Zimoląg R, Lorenc J, Furtak R, Regulska A, Winter M, Fic M, Turek P, Nowicka E, Bryl W, Lenartowska L, Jerzykowska O, Maćków M, Gadziński W, Kacorzyk R, Zalewska D, Sadłowski R, Słaboszewska J, Gruchała M, Frankiewicz A, Walczewska J, Adamkiewicz-Piejko A, Chyrek R, Jankowska L, Correia A, Girão A, Herdade Á, Sequeira A, Taveira ATE, Gonzaga A, Ribeiro A, Albuquerque A, Fernandes A, Estriga A, De Almeida AR, Lourenço A, Pereira A, Faria A, De Moura BC, Camossa C, Alves C, Aguiar C, Rodrigues C, Wellenkamp E, De Sousa FF, Pinto FM, Matias F, Alves GS, Bragança G, Proença G, Pêgo GM, Vinhas H, Arroja I, Morais J, Sá JSE, Vasconcelos J, Matos J, Freitas J, Ferreira J, Costa J, Alcaravela J, Mimoso J, Antunes J, Dos Santos JF, Dos Santos JN, Fernandes J, De Aguiar JC, Moreira J, Carvalho J, De Carvalho JF, Calaça J, Simões L, Antunes LL, Soares L, Semedo L, Macedo L, Sargento L, Basto L, Rebelo L, Oliveira L, Carvalho MC, Costa MA, Gamboa MC, Vasconcelos MFFE, Custódio MH, Mendonça MI, Vaz MJP, De Macedo ME, Lazaro M, Oliveira MM, Pelicano N, Lousada N, Rodrigues O, Dias PM, Fonseca PF, Ferreira P, Abreu PFE, Monteiro P, Gomes RS, Carvalho R, Santos R, Soares RR, Baptista S, Monteiro SR, Gil V, Sanfins V, Martins V, Anghel M, Georgescu CA, Babes K, Banu M, Beyer R, Bratu I, Bumbu A, Capalneanu R, Chioncel OD, Chiscaneanu T, Christodorescu R, Nica NC, Cinteza M, Coman S, Constantinescu M, Craiu E, Dan GA, Dan DC, Dan A, David CM, Dorobantu M, Farcas D, Firastrau V, Florescu C, Ghicu A, Giuca A, Grigoriu R, Ionescu DD, Iosipescu LC, Ivan MV, Lighezan D, Magheru S, Magherusan M, Marinescu SM, Motoc AC, Musetescu R, Rau M, Rus LRH, Sirbu O, Sorodoc L, Spinu CM, Stanciulescu G, Statescu C, Toringhibel M, Trambitas R, Trocan N, Tudose A, Vinereanu D, Zagreanu M, Motomancea R, Militaru C, Dymova D, Semenova N, Zherebtsova A, Fedoskin V, Gurianova N, Bolotova N, Knyazeva V, Spitsina T, Sytilina N, Atamanchuk N, Giorgadze M, Zarechnova S, Kutuzova S, Sharapova Y, Stelmakh I, Sinyukova O, Rostik S, Evtukhova L, Sukhanova L, Makhieva T, Tereshko S, Kolesnikov V, Kochurov E, Marchenko B, Nurgalieva S, Galeeva Z, Andreicheva E, Zakirova V, Baleeva L, Minsafina A, Borodina N, Arkhipova Y, Krechunova T, Scherbak M, Merkhi A, Aksyutina N, Ratovskaya O, Suglobova E, Kozhelenko Y, Potapova E, Poluyanova G, Naberezhnova N, Daniels E, Atueva K, Tsaryabina L, Kurekhyan A, Khishova N, Dubinina E, Demina O, Mochkina P, Bukanina E, Tolpygina S, Polyanskaya Y, Malysheva A, Kheliya T, Serazhim A, Voronina V, Lukina Y, Dubinskaya R, Dmitrieva N, Kuzyakina M, Khartova N, Bokuchava N, Smirnova E, Esenokova A, Pavlova Y, Smirnova O, Astrakhantseva P, Bykovskaya S, Charikova O, Berdnik K, Karaseva T, Zhabina L, Oleinikova N, Dzhkha O, Grigoryan S, Yakovenko E, Ivaschenko T, Kiseleva I, Shokina T, Novikova M, Khodanov A, Popova L, Latyntseva L, Kilaberiya O, Makarenkova K, Nosova N, Gerasimova T, Boikova L, Sharapova N, Kulikova Y, Pasechnaya N, Bulakhova E, Kurochkina S, Bratishko I, Likhobabina O, Panova E, Voronina N, Bizyaeva N, Gusev O, Nevolina N, Arsentieva T, Budanova I, Melnikova EL, Khripun A, Polyaeva L, Osadchuk E, Krasnoslobodskaya O, Yakimova N, Lugin A, Sosnova Y, Il’ina E, Kositsina G, Shanina I, Kostomarova S, Malgina M, Omelchenko M, Gorlova I, Eidelman S, Salakhova A, Bondarenko B, Sopia R, Baboshina N, Eliseeva N, Tumarov F, Petrochenko N, Khudina I, Arabadzhi N, Samakhovets V, Tkhorzhevskaya L, Sinotova T, Zherlitsyna E, Minkin S, Petrova N, Tikhonov Y, Shmakova N, Abduvalieva V, Kuzmicheva M, Nikolaeva L, Varezhnikova O, Dmitrieva T, Mikhailova E, Yanina Y, Kapustina L, Vazhdaeva Z, Golovina G, Fedorova N, Nikolaeva I, Fillipova O, Gareeva L, Tuktarova F, Khmelevskikh N, Karnot V, Golub M, Surovtseva I, Kulygina V, Shelomova N, Kruglova I, Pokrovskaya I, Rodina O, Polkina L, Biryukova N, Filippova E, Kotova E, Ignatieva T, Alekseeva T, Gruznykh L, Mozerova E, Moksyuta E, Kosachek E, Srtumilenko N, Baranova O, Voronova T, Bayakhchan L, Grudtsina I, Gorshkova L, Shamsutdinova O, Getman M, Gorodilova I, Karnaukhova N, Rotenberger V, Isaeva L, Lebischak G, Ryzhkova V, Usoltseva E, Mescharekova D, Tavlueva E, Mineeva E, Stikhurova M, Kosareva L, Grechishkina O, Nikishina S, Ilyukhina A, Gureeva O, Soin I, Erofeev S, Lebedev S, Kudryavtsev L, Gamzatov E, Maximchuk N, Grekhova L, Kolevatova L, Kazakovtseva M, Kolesova O, Zharikova L, Kukaleva V, Starostina N, Grushetskaya I, Kazachkova V, Pashentseva I, Shimonenko S, Sirazov I, Chernozemova A, Golubeva O, Mingalaeva S, Zatsarina E, Kozlov D, Davydova N, Larina O, Alhabib KF, Hersi A, Al-Backer H, AlFaleh H, Mobeirek A, Arafah M, Al-Shamiri M, El-Shaer F, Zaibag MA, Bdeir M, Suliman I, Mukhtar A, Omar H, Jamiel A, Elkrail A, Alanazy M, Habab M, Ashmak K, Nourallah R, Mak KH, Singh B, Chee TS, Koo CC, Low LP, Nair VP, Ng KS, Quek SSS, Tan EHM, Ng ALR, Chuang HH, Kamensky G, Kaliska G, Murin J, Hatalova K, Gaspar L, Simkova I, Dubrava J, Pjontek J, Pella D, Banikova A, Szentivanyi M, Kovar F, Benacka J, Gonos I, Fazekas F, Kycina P, Poles J, Fras Z, Pernat A, Veternik A, Černič-Šuligoj N, Kerbev M, Krajnc I, Zagožen P, Alam A, Brown B, Luke B, Variava E, Nethononda R, Joubert S, Matthews P, Nkombua L, Antia V, Naidoo DP, Bhayat J, George SK, Ranjith N, Vawda GHM, Govender S, Soosiwala I, Shein K, Panajatovic M, Flores J, Khan MSH, Blignaut S, Coetzee K, Burgess L, Freeman V, Theron HD, Vives MAA, Oliva FJA, Carrascosa PA, Martínez VA, Colomer JMA, Ezquerra EA, Fernández CAA, Recalde NA, Auñon AA, García PA, Fernández CA, Galito CA, Viguiristi RA, Feal MA, Capell AA, Pardo JA, García GA, Esteban VA, Alonso MB, Pérez PB, Mayor JLB, Alvarez VB, Celorio AB, Martín BB, Valero DB, Castiñeiras JB, Ojeda FB, Penas CB, Redondo HB, Cortada JB, Solé RC, Iglesias FC, Miguel SC, Cardoso RC, Pié MC, Giménez PC, Lueña EC, Moreno JAC, Orive MC, González AC, Alcubilla JMC, Payá VC, Gil MAC, Martín JLC, Clemente AC, Sánchez RC, Luengo DC, Soler SD, Novales JDA, Aritmendiz RDC, Baguda JDJ, López MDLR, Prieto JLD, Díaz JLD, Cervantes CE, Sasieta JE, Rubio LF, Salvador CF, Zaragoza PF, Alvarez RF, De La Cigoña FF, Lázaro LAF, Léoz LCF, Mouzo RF, Gómez MF-V, Rodríguez BF, Aranda CF, Corzo JF, Alonso JF, Beneitez JF, Basilio EG, García CG, Martínez MJG, González MJG, Ortego SG, Pindado CG, Saavedra VG, Marimón JG-M, Rubia RG, Lorente DG, Pavón HG, Gómez RG, Barrado JJG, Doblas JJG, Martinez MJG, Juanatey CG, Toda VG, Ortega MG, Higuero EG, Afonso JH, Fernández DH, Espinach EH, Gastearena AI, Latasa MI, González RI, Herter MJ, Carballo ML, Galán JAL, González BL, Aranda MAL, Barreiro LL, Gómez DL, Granados AL, Mouriño VL, López-Sendón JL, Méndez ML, Latorre LM, Araez EM, Ortuño FM, Santana AM, Florez JM, González JM, Rivero JFM, Martín DM, Mignaqui GFM, Pita AM, Laborda EM, Escrivá GM, Saavedra VM, Gaspar MAM, Robles JM, González JM, Arribas JM, Casquete MTM, López CM, Eizagaechevarría NM, García FN, Manchón JN, Navas CN, García EN, Gamero JAN, España AO, López JAODM, Soler EO, Chulian EO, Torres LP, Sánchez AJP, Bermejo MAP, Del Moral VP, Pérez GP, Egido JÁP, De Isla LP, Ibiricu SP, Martínez MAP, Paredes MP, Domingo EP, Cubero AMP, Sopena JP, Rodríguez CP, Lozano MJP, Ramírez CP, Ramos YP, Moriche EP, Ariznabarreta FR, Gutiérrez MR, Catalán JMR, Almodóvar AR, Collado JR, Fernández AR, Fernández JAR, Hernández JAR, Tejero IR, Castillejo IR, Alvira DR, Hinojosa JAR, Menor CR, Sevillano PR, Calle ECR, Soriano JR, Pérez PR, Gorostiza TS, Hidalgo IS, Rollán MS, Rodríguez SS, Olmeda ES, Iglesias JLS, Rodríguez MLS, Laborda IS, García SS, Toral BS, Melchor LS, Martín-Ambrioso ES, Casado RS, Navarro CS, Ruiz MIS, Calle PT, Fernández ET, Díaz PLT, Gil AT, Berraquero FT, Martínez MAU, Sánchez JU, Herreros CV, García AV, Barbado JLV, Espejo-Saavedra EV, Vera TV, Gutiérrez MV, Mariscal CV, Boniato GV, Amen LW, Bowden GY, Wonenburger JCY, Gómez JLZ, Navarro JZ, Monnier P, Jaussi A, Forclaz A, Grobéty M, Schlueter L, Vuille C, Nacht CA, Evéquoz D, Ciaroni S, Dominé F, Bérubé J, Rickli H, Hellermann J, Koller R, Bourgeois G, Engel R, Niederberger C, Stadler P, Gnädinger M, Schmied C, Wettstein T, Hilti P, Chételat CA, Sepulcri F, Brunner H, Schindler J, Kraus M, Vivekaphirat V, Panpunnung S, Kuanprasert S, Wongcharoen W, Phrommintikul A, Harinasuta J, Si O, Chaithiraphan V, Boonyasirinant T, Boonyapisit W, Kittipovanonth M, Buakhamsri A, Piyayotai D, Hutayanon P, Junejo S, Aiyegbayo O, Ancliff H, Bradshaw C, Cervenak R, Choi H, George E, Gilmour I, Gough D, Idrissi-Sbai A, Ingham J, Al-Khalidi B, Liston A, Mackrell J, Pattison I, Ramachandran R, Ray N, Reddy G, Sen I, Shetty K, Singh L, Stanley M, Wallace A, Weatherhead M, Gilbert T, McCansh G, Higgins S, Killeen C, Cromarty I, Franklin P, Pinch E, Dhesi A, Dernedde C, Lawrence M, Simper H, Noble M, Dalton G, Stevens L, Berry P, Hand C, Oliver R, Jones H, Sampson P, Taylor N, Grogono R, Dalrymple J, Martin A, Thurston S, Elsby K, Vallis M, Morrison G, Lang C, Watson A, Thomson A, Dougall H, Hay BL, Compson L, McCracken A, Calder J, Weber F, Richmond D, Brownlie R, Brown G, MacCowan H, Heap A, Perry M, Holden LA, Scott G, Haldane N, Hood S, Cullen I, Bell J, McNaught P, Sharif M, Dunn J, Hay D, Ross S, Shaw R, Hay L, Langridge S, Burns R, Crawford L, Kennedy A, Logan D, McAlavey P, Brown M, Costello P, McLaren G, Potter A, McPherson J, Drijfhout M, Finlayson J, Troup D, Woodall A, Pearce J, Williams S, Parkar W, Yusuf A, Benett I, Bishop P, Thomas H, Caldwell I, Ormiston P, Kwok S, Wright S, Kanumilli N, Saul P, Milligan H, Wilkinson I, Vance A, Paul N, Paul C, Shaikh I, Ellis R, Vites N, Steeds R, Goodwin D, Aftab A, Banham S, Chauhan N, Grocutt MS, Gupte A, Jordan R, Jheeta BS, Ladha K, Nazir M, Pal R, Patel RP, McManus R, Singal A, Saunders P, Syed AB, Bahal A, Dau H, Walker DM, McNeilly 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Olshansky B, Bhatt DL, Miller M, Steg PhG, Brinton EA, Jacobson TA, Ketchum SB, Doyle RT, Juliano RA, Jiao L, Kowey PR, Reiffel JA, Tardif J, Ballantyne CM, Chung MK, the REDUCE‐IT Investigators. 2023. Cardiovascular Benefits of Icosapent Ethyl in Patients With and Without Atrial Fibrillation in REDUCE‐IT. JAHA 12:e026756.
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Abtan J, Bhatt DL, Elbez Y, Ducrocq G, Goto S, Smith SC, Ohman EM, Eagle KA, Fox K, Harrington RA, Leiter LA, Mehta SR, Simon T, Petrov I, Sinnaeve PR, Pais P, Lev E, Bueno H, Wilson P, Steg PG. 2023. External applicability of the Effect of ticagrelor on Health Outcomes in diabEtes Mellitus patients Intervention Study (THEMIS) trial: An analysis of patients with diabetes and coronary artery disease in the REduction of Atherothrombosis for Continued Health (REACH) registry. International Journal of Cardiology 370:51–57.
Popovic B, Ducrocq G, Elbez Y, Bode C, Mehta ShamirR, Pollack CV, Sabate M, Rao SV, Parkhomenko A, Feldman LJ, Sayah N, Sabatine MS, Steg PG. 2023. Clinical Significance of Culprit Vessel Occlusion in Patients With Non–ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Who Underwent Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. The American Journal of Cardiology 188:95–101.
Carson JL, Brooks MM, Chaitman BR, Alexander JH, Goodman SG, Bertolet M, Abbott JD, Cooper HA, Rao SV, Triulzi DJ, Fergusson DA, Kostis WJ, Noveck H, Simon T, Steg PG, DeFilippis AP, Goldsweig AM, Lopes RD, White H, Alsweiler C, Morton E, Hébert PC, Carson JL, Ghafghazi S, Cooper HA, Wood F, Menegus M, Uretsky B, Vallurupalli S, Maniatis G, Gruberg L, Roswell R, Rossi J, Abtahian F, Tessalee M, Barsness G, Abbott JD, Aronow H, Ramanathan K, Schmidhofer M, Keating F, Carson M, Kontos M, Qureshi M, Clegg S, Laskey W, Polonsky T, Gupta R, Sheikh MA, Uhl L, Mullen P, Bracey A, Matthai W, Stowell C, Dudzinski D, Marhefka G, Weinstock P, Lawson W, Keller N, Yuriditsky E, Thomas M, Jacobs A, Hochberg C, Siddiqi O, Schulman-Marcus J, Torosoff M, Gitter M, Dai X, Traverse J, McCamant E, Scott J, Swaminathan R, Rao S, Goldsweig AM, DeFilippis AP, Salisbury A, Landers D, Raveendran G, Ebrahimi R, Bach R, Delehanty J, Shah RC, Brener S, Doroshow J, Caixeta A, Precoma D, Dall’Orto FTC, De Andrade PB, Dracoulakis M, Maia LN, Ritt LEF, Quadros A, Filho DCS, De Martino F, Huynh T, Schnell G, Senaratne M, Tandon V, Tandon V, Neary J, Laflamme D, Dery J-P, Bainey K, Haichin R, Dehghani P, Quraishi AUR, Potter BJ, Carrier FM, Goldfarb M, Fordyce C, Sia YT, Daneault B, Madan M, McPherson T, Ducas J, Minhas K, Brass N, Bagai A, Robinson S, Džavík V, Khan R, Michaud N, Steg G, Ducrocq G, Puymirat E, Lemesle G, Ferrari E, Lattuca B, Silvain J, Vanzetto G, Cetran L, Lhermusier T, Cottin Y, Rosamel Y, Angoulvant D, Dillinger JG, Thuaire C, Popovic B, Durand E, Bouleti C, Roubille F, Delorme L, Crozier I, Benatar J, Nandra S, Ternouth I, Fisher N, Brieger D, Hillis G. 2023. Rationale and design for the myocardial ischemia and transfusion (MINT) randomized clinical trial. American Heart Journal 257:120–129.
Belhassen M, Hanon O, Steg PG, Mahé I, Née M, Jacoud F, Dalon F, Cotté F-E, Guitard-Dehoux D, Marant-Micallef C, Van Ganse E, Danchin N. 2023. Apixaban versus other anticoagulants in patients with nonvalvular fibrillation: a comparison of all-cause and event-related costs in real-life setting in France. Eur J Health Econ 24:867–875.
Franzone A, McFadden EP, Leonardi S, Piccolo R, Vranckx P, Serruys PW, Hamm C, Steg PG, Heg D, Branca M, Jüni P, Windecker S, Valgimigli M. 2020. Ticagrelor alone or conventional dual antiplatelet therapy in patients with stable or acute coronary syndromes. EuroIntervention 16:627–633.
Tomaniak M, Chichareon P, Modolo R, Takahashi K, Chang CC, Kogame N, Spitzer E, Buszman PE, Van Geuns R-JM, Valkov V, Steinwender C, Geisler T, Prokopczuk J, Sabaté M, Zmudka K, Rademaker-Havinga T, Tijssen JGP, Jüni P, Hamm C, Steg PG, Onuma Y, Vranckx P, Valgimigli M, Windecker S, Baber U, Anderson R, Dominici M, Serruys PW. 2020. Ticagrelor monotherapy beyond one month after PCI in ACS or stable CAD in elderly patients: a pre-specified analysis of the GLOBAL LEADERS trial. EuroIntervention 15:e1605–e1614.
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Croyal M, Saulnier P-J, Aguesse A, Gand E, Ragot S, Roussel R, Halimi J-M, Ducrocq G, Cariou B, Montaigne D, Wargny M, Krempf M, Hadjadj S. 2020. Plasma Trimethylamine N-Oxide and Risk of Cardiovascular Events in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 105:2371–2380.
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Abtan J, Ducrocq G, Steg G. 2020. Chest pain triage: do genetics have a role? European Heart Journal Acute Cardiovascular Care 9:729–730.
Schiele F, Lemesle G, Angoulvant D, Krempf M, Kownator S, Cheggour S, Belle L, Ferrières J, Bauters C, Bergerot C, Beygui F, Boccara F, Bonnefoy E, Bruckert E, Cayla G, Collet J-P, Coste P, Descotes-Genon V, Ducrocq G, Elbaz M, Farnier M, Ferrari E, Guedj D, Levai L, Mansourati J, Mansencal N, Meneveau N, Meune C, Morel O, Ohlmann P, Paillard F, Piot C, Puymirat E, Rioufol G, Roubille F, Sabouret P, Teiger E. 2020. Proposal for a standardized discharge letter after hospital stay for acute myocardial infarction. European Heart Journal Acute Cardiovascular Care 9:788–801.
Biscaglia S, Campo G, Sorbets E, Ford I, Fox KM, Greenlaw N, Parkhomenko A, Tardif J-C, Tavazzi L, Tendera M, Wetherall K, Ferrari R, Steg PhG, on behalf of the CLARIFY investigators. 2020. Relationship between physical activity and long-term outcomes in patients with stable coronary artery disease. Eur J Prev Cardiolog 27:426–436.
Ong E, Meseguer E, Guidoux C, Lavallée PC, Hobeanu C, Charles H, Labreuche J, Cabrejo L, Martin-Bechet A, Rigual R, Nighoghossian N, Amarenco P. 2020. Prevalence and Outcome of Potential Candidates for Left Atrial Appendage Closure After Stroke With Atrial Fibrillation: WATCH-AF Registry. Stroke 51:2355–2363.
Van Ganse E, Danchin N, Mahé I, Hanon O, Jacoud F, Nolin M, Dalon F, Lefevre C, Cotté F-E, Gollety S, Falissard B, Belhassen M, Steg PhG. 2020. Comparative Safety and Effectiveness of Oral Anticoagulants in Nonvalvular Atrial Fibrillation: The NAXOS Study. Stroke 51:2066–2075.
Amarenco P, Kim JS, Labreuche J, Charles H, Giroud M, Lee B-C, Mahagne M-H, Nighoghossian N, Gabriel Steg P, Vicaut É, Bruckert E, Touboul P-J, Leys D, Béjot Y, Lavallée P, Pico F, Touzé E, Ducrocq G, Abtan J, Varenne O, Touboul P-J, Kemmel A, Syana F, Ledra M, Nagasara T, Ledjeroud M, Samia B, Hadia H, Hazare B, El Jaghouni I, Yelles N, Zemouri S, Ladjeroud M, Kerai S, In YJ, Meseguer E, Lavallée PC, Hobeanu C, Guidoux C, Cabrejo L, Lapergue B, Sabben C, Gonzalez-Valcarcel J, Rigual R, Sirimarco G, Martin-Bechet A, Viedma E, Avram I, Samson Y, Rosso C, Crozier S, Leder S, Léger A, Deltour S, Mutlu G, Yger M, Zavanone C, Baronnet F, Pires C, Lapergue B, Wang A, Evrard S, Tchikviladze M, Bourdain F, Lopez D, Pico F, De La Tour LB, Chadenat M-L, Duong DL, Genty S, Hirel C, Mutlu G, Nifle C, Servan J, Stanciu D, Sudacevschi V, Tir M, Troussière A-C, Yeung J, Zeghoudi A-C, Tidafi-Bayou I, Lachaud S, Cho T-H, Mechtouff L, Ritzenthaller T, Derex L, Albanesi C, Ong E, Benoit A, Berhoune N, Felix S, Esteban-Mader M, Sibon I, Kazadi A, Rouanet F, Renou P, Debruxelles S, Poli M, Sagnier S, Mas J-L, Domigo V, Lamy C, Bodiguel E, Grimaud J, Bohotin V, Obadia M, Sabben C, Morvan E, Rodier G, Vadot W, Hénon H, Cordonnier C, Dumont F, Bodenant M, Lucas C, Moulin S, Dequatre N, Alamowitch S, Muresan J-P, Drouet T, Gallea M, Dalloz M-A, Delorme S, Yger M, Béjot Y, Loisel P, Bonnin C, Bernigal V, Osseby GV, Marsac MH-B, Garnier P, Accassat S, Epinat M, Varvat J, Marinescu D, Triquenot-Bagan A, Ozkul-Wermester O, Philippeau F, Olaru A, Vieillart A, Lannuzel A, Demoly A, Wolff V, Diaconu M, Bataillard M, Montoro FM, Faugeras F, Gimenez L, Abdallah-Lebeau F, Timsit S, Viakhireva-Dovganyuk I, Tirel-Badets A, Merrien F-M, Goas P, Rouhart F, Jourdain A, Guillon B, Hérissson F, Sevin-Allouet M, Nasr N, Olivot J-M, Lecluse A, Marc G, Touzé E, De La Sayette V, Apoil M, Lin L, Cogez J, Guettier S, Godefroy O, Lamy C, Bugnicourt J-M, Taurin G, Mérienne M, Gere J, Chessak A-M, Habet T, Ferrier A, Bourgois N, Minier D, Caillier-Minier M, Contégal-Callier F, Vion P, Vaschalde Y, El Amrani, Emilie M, Zuber M, Bruandet M, Join-Lambert C, Garcia P-Y, Serre I, Faucheux J-M, Radji F, Leca-Radu E, Debroucker T, Cumurcuc R, Cakmak S, Peysson S, Ellie E, Bernady P, Moulin T, Montiel P, Revenco E, Decavel P, Medeiros E, Bouveret M, Louchart P, Vaduva C, Couvreur G, Sartori E, Alnajar-Carpentier E, Levasseur M, Louchart P, Neau J-P, Vandamme X, Meresse I, Stantescu, Bataillard M, Ozsancak C, Beauvais K, Auzou P, Amevigbe J, Vuillemet F, Dugay-Arentz M-H, Carelli G, Martinez M, Maillet-Vioud M, Escaillas J-P, Chapuis S, Tardy J, Manchon E, Varnet O, Kim Y-J, Chang Y, Song T-J, Han J-H, Noh KC, Lee E-J, Kang D-W, Kwon SU, Kwon B, Park S, Lee D, Kwon HS, Jeong D, Lee M, Kim J, Lee H, Nam HJ, Lee SH, Kim BJ, Cha J, Kim D, Young Kim R, Sohn SW, Shim D-H, Lee H, Nah H-W, Sung SM, Lee KB, Lee JY, Yoon JE, Kim E-G, Seo JH, Kim Y-W, Hwang Y, Park MS, Kim J-T, Choi K-H, Nam HS, Heo JH, Kim YD, Hwang IG, Park HJ, Kim KS, Baek JH, Song DB, Yoo JS, Park J-M, Kwon O, Lee W-W, Lee J-J, Kang K, Kim BK, Lim J-S, Oh MS, Yu K-H, Hong B, Jang M, Jang S, Jin JE, Kim J, Jeong HS, Hong KS, Park HK, Cho YJ, Bang OY, Seo W-K, Chung J. 2020. Benefit of Targeting a LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) Cholesterol <70 mg/dL During 5 Years After Ischemic Stroke. Stroke 51:1231–1239.
Kamel H, Pearce LA, Ntaios G, Gladstone DJ, Perera K, Roine RO, Meseguer E, Shoamanesh A, Berkowitz SD, Mundl H, Sharma M, Connolly SJ, Hart RG, Healey JS. 2020. Atrial Cardiopathy and Nonstenosing Large Artery Plaque in Patients With Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source. Stroke 51:938–943.
Cheng B, Boutitie F, Nickel A, Wouters A, Cho T-H, Ebinger M, Endres M, Fiebach JB, Fiehler J, Galinovic I, Puig J, Thijs V, Lemmens R, Muir KW, Nighoghossian N, Pedraza S, Simonsen CZ, Gerloff C, Thomalla G, on behalf of the WAKE-UP Investigators*, Golsari A, Alegiani A, Beck C, Choe C, Voget D, Hoppe J, Schröder J, Rozanski M, Nave AH, Wollboldt C, Van Sloten I, Göhler J, Herm J, Jungehülsing J, Lückl J, Kröber JM, Schurig J, Koehler L, Schlemm L, Knops M, Roennefarth M, Ipsen N, Harmel P, Bathe-Peters R, Fleischmann R, Ganeshan R, Geran R, Hellwig S, Schmidt S, Tütüncü S, Krause T, Gramse V, Röther J, Michels P, Michalski D, Pelz J, Schulz A, Hobohm C, Weise C, Weise G, Orthgieß J, Pomrehn K, Wegscheider M, Mueller AK, Hennerici M, Griebe M, Alonso A, Filipov A, Marzina A, Anders B, Bähr C, Hoyer C, Schwarzbach C, Weber C, Hornberger E, Pledl H-W, Klockziem M, Stuermlinger M, Wittayer M, Wolf M, Meyer N, Eisele P, Steinert S, Sauer T, Held V, Ringleb P, Nagel S, Veltkamp R, Schwarting S, Schwarz A, Gumbinger C, Hametner C, Amiri H, Purrucker J, Ciatipis M, Menn O, Mundiyanapurath S, Schieber S, Kessler T, Reiff T, Panitz V, Singer O, Foerch C, Lauer A, Männer A, Seiler A, Guerzoglu D, Schäfer JH, Filipski K, Lorenz M, Kurka N, Zeiner P, Pfeilschifter W, Dziewas R, Minnerup J, Albiker C, Ritter M, Seidel M, Dittrich R, Kallmünzer B, Bobinger T, Madzar D, Stark D, Sembill J, Macha K, Winder K, Breuer L, Koehrmann M, Spruegel M, Gerner S, Kraft P, Mackenrodt D, Kleinschnitz C, Elhfnawy A, Heinen F, Gunreben I, Poli S, Ziemann U, Gaenslen A, Schlak D, Haertig F, Russo F, Richter H, Ebner M, Ribitsch M, Wolf M, Weimar C, Zegarac V, Chen H-C, Althaus K, Neugebauer H, Jüttler E, Meier J, Stösser S, Puetz V, Bodechtel U, Ostergaard L, Møller A, Damgaard D, Dupont KH, Poulsen M, Hjort N, De Morales NR, Von Weitzel P, Harbo T, Marstrand J, Hansen A, Christensen H, Aegidius K, Jeppesen L, Meden P, Rosenbaum S, Iversen H, Hansen J, Michelsen L, Truelsen T, Modrau B, Vestergaard K, Oppel L, Sygehus A, Aalborg S, Swinnen B, Smets I, Demeestere J, Dobbels L, Brouns R, De Smedt A, DeKeyser J, Yperzeele L, Van Hooff R-J, Peeters A, Dusart A, Etexberria A, Hanseeuw B, London F, Leempoel J, Hohenbichler K, Younan N, Maqueda V, Laloux P, De Coene B, De Maeseneire C, Turine G, Vandermeeren Y, De Klippel N, Willems C, De Hollander I, Soors P, Hermans S, Hemelsoet D, Desfontaines P, Vanacker P, Rutgers M, Druart C, Peeters D, Bruneel B, Vancaester E, Vanhee F, Meersman G, Bourgeois P, Vanderdonckt P, Benoit A, Derex L, Mechthouff L, Berhoune N, Ritzenthaler T, Amarenco P, Hobeanu C, Gancedo EM, Calvet D, Ladoux A, Machet A, Lamy C, Mellerio C, Oppenheim C, Rodriguez-Regent C, Bodiguel E, Turc G, Birchenall J, Legrand L, Morin L, Edjali-Goujon M, Naggara O, Raphaelle S, Godon-Hardy S, Domigo V, Guiraud V, Samson Y, Leger A, Rosso C, Baronnet-Chauvet F, Crozier S, Deltour S, Yger M, Sibon I, Renou P, Sagnier S, Zuber M, Tamazyan R, Rodier G, Morel N, Felix S, Vadot W, Wolff V, Aniculaesei A, Yalo B, Bindila D, Quenardelle V, Blanc-Lasserre K, Landrault E, Breynaert L, Cakmak S, Peysson S, Viguier A, Lebely C, Raposo N, Vallet A-E, Vallet P, Brugirard S, Cheripelli B, Kalladka D, Moreton F, Dani K, Tawil SE, Ramachandran S, Huang X, Warburton E, Evans N, Perry R, Patel B, Cloud G, Pereira A, Moynihan B, Lovelock C, Choy L, Khan U, Roffe C, Tyrell P, Smith C, Dixit A, Louw S, Broughton D, Shetty A, Appleton J, Sprigg N, Acosta BR, Van Eendenburg C, Leal JS, Mar Castellanos Rodrigo MD, Izaga MT, Guillamon OB, Arenillas J, Calleja A, Cortijo E, Mulero P, De La Ossa NP, Garrido A, Martinez A, Esperón CG, Guerrero C, Carrera D, Vilas D, Lopez-cancio E, Palomeras E, Lucente G, Gomis M, Isern I, Becerra JL, Vicente JH, Sánchez J, Dorado L, Grau L, Ispierto L, Prats L, Almendrote M, Hernández M, Jimenez M, Sánchez ML, Torne MM, Presas S, Ustrell X, Pellisé A, Navalpotro I, Luna A, Schonewille W, Nederkoorn P, Majoie C, Van Den Berg L, Van Den Berg S, Zonneveld T, Remmers M, Fazekas F, Pichler A, Fandler S, Gattringer T, Mutzenbach J, Weber J, Höfner E, Kohlfürst H, Weinstich K, Kellert L, Bayer-Karpinska A, Opherk C, Wollenweber F, Klein M, Neumann- Haefelin T, Pierskalla A, Harloff A, Bardutzky J, Buggle F, Von Schrader J, Kollmar R, Schill J, Löbbe A-M, Moulin T, Bouamra B, Bonnet L, Touzé E, Bonnet A-L, Touze E, Cogez J, Li L, Guettier S, Kar A, Sivagnanaratham A, Geraghty O, Bojaryn U, Nallasivan A, Gonzales MB, Rodríguez-Yáñez M, Tembl J, Gorriz D, Oberndorfer S, Prohaska E. 2020. Quantitative Signal Intensity in Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery and Treatment Effect in the WAKE-UP Trial. Stroke 51:209–215.
Boccara F, Mary‐Krause M, Potard V, Teiger E, Lang S, Hammoudi N, Chauvet M, Ederhy S, Dufour‐Soulat L, Ancedy Y, Nhan P, Adavane S, Steg PhG, Funck‐Brentano C, Costagliola D, Cohen A, Weber S, Wahbi K, Beaufils P, Henri P, Sideris G, Thomas D, Montalescot G, Beygui F, Meuleman C, Janower S, Raoux F, Dufaitre G, Benyounes N, Michel PL, Petillon B, Hammoudi N, Gueret P, Dubois‐Rande JL, Teiger E, Lim P, Slama M, Colin P, Saudubray C, Dubourg O, Milleron O, Gallet B, Duclos F, Godard S, Fuchs L, Dormagen V, Lewy P, Cattan S, Nallet O, Grollier G, Shayne J, Wolf JE, Cottin Y, Machecourt J, Bouvaist H, Finet G, De Breyne B, Trochu JN, Baudouy M, Ferrari E, Benhamou M, Allal J, Coisne D, Le Breton H, Bedossa M, Puel J, Elbaz M, Larifla L, Matheron S, Landman R, Fremont G, Spiridon G, Blanche P, Morini JP, Sicard D, Zeller V, Batisse D, Clevenbergh P, Cessot G, Dohin E, Valantin MA, Khelifa S, Girard PM, Lallemand F, Lefebvre B, Laporte JP, Meynard JL, Bideault H, Picard O, Meyohas MC, Campa P, Tredup J, Fonquernie L, Raguin G, Molina JM, Furco A, Gharakanian S, Vincensini JP, Guiard‐Schmid JB, Pialoux G, Cardon B, Lascaux AS, Chaix F, Lesprit P, Fior R, Boue F, Dupont C, Bellier C, Blanc A, Lambert T, Touahri T, Force G, De Truchis P, Compagnucci‐Seguenot MA, Cahitte I, Roudière L, Techer ME, Thelpin P, Troisvallets D, Lepretre A, Echard M, Le Mercier Y, Houlbert D, Dargere S, Bazin C, Verdon R, De Goer B, Duong M, Chavanet P, Gozlan E, Leclercq P, Brunel‐Dal Mas F, Durant J, Heudier P, Brunet‐François C, Le Moal G, Chapplin JM, Arvieux C, Chaumentin G, Guerin B, Bonnet E, Poinsignon Y, Boulard F, De Lacroix I, Goerger‐Sow MT, Kirstetter M, Volstein M, Laylavoix F, Copin X, Ceppi C. 2020. HIV Infection and Long‐Term Residual Cardiovascular Risk After Acute Coronary Syndrome. JAHA 9:e017578.
Furtado RHM, Venkateswaran RV, Nicolau JC, Gurmu Y, Bhatt DL, Storey RF, Steg PG, Magnani G, Goto S, Dellborg M, Kamensky G, Isaza D, Aylward P, Johanson P, Bonaca MP. 2020. Caffeinated Beverage Intake, Dyspnea With Ticagrelor, and Cardiovascular Outcomes: Insights From the PEGASUS‐TIMI 54 Trial. JAHA 9:e015785.
Gencer B, Li XS, Gurmu Y, Bonaca MP, Morrow DA, Cohen M, Bhatt DL, Steg PG, Storey RF, Johanson P, Wang Z, Hazen SL, Sabatine MS. 2020. Gut Microbiota‐Dependent Trimethylamine N‐oxide and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients With Prior Myocardial Infarction: A Nested Case Control Study From the PEGASUS‐TIMI 54 Trial. JAHA 9:e015331.
Schwartz GG, Szarek M, Bittner VA, Steg PG. 2020. Response by Schwartz et al to Letter Regarding Article, “Peripheral Artery Disease and Venous Thromboembolic Events After Acute Coronary Syndrome: Role of Lipoprotein(a) and Modification by Alirocumab: Prespecified Analysis of the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Randomized Clinical Trial.” Circulation 142.
Amarenco P, Hobeanu C, Labreuche J, Charles H, Giroud M, Meseguer E, Lavallée PC, Gabriel Steg P, Vicaut É, Bruckert E, Touboul P-J. 2020. Carotid Atherosclerosis Evolution When Targeting a Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Concentration <70 mg/dL After an Ischemic Stroke of Atherosclerotic Origin. Circulation 142:748–757.
Schwartz GG, Steg PG, Szarek M, Bittner VA, Diaz R, Goodman SG, Kim Y-U, Jukema JW, Pordy R, Roe MT, White HD, Bhatt DL, For the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Committees and Investigators*. 2020. Peripheral Artery Disease and Venous Thromboembolic Events After Acute Coronary Syndrome: Role of Lipoprotein(a) and Modification by Alirocumab: Prespecified Analysis of the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Randomized Clinical Trial. Circulation 141:1608–1617.
Bhatt DL, Eikelboom JW, Connolly SJ, Steg PG, Anand SS, Verma S, Branch KRH, Probstfield J, Bosch J, Shestakovska O, Szarek M, Maggioni AP, Widimský P, Avezum A, Diaz R, Lewis BS, Berkowitz SD, Fox KAA, Ryden L, Yusuf S, Aboyans V, Alings M, Commerford P, Cook-Bruns N, Dagenais G, Dans A, Ertl G, Felix C, Guzik T, Hart R, Hori M, Kakkar A, Keltai K, Keltai M, Kim J, Lamy A, Lanas F, Liang Y, Liu L, Lonn E, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Metsarinne K, Moayyedi P, O’Donnell M, Parkhomenko A, Piegas L, Pogosova N, Sharma M, Stoerk S, Tonkin A, Torp-Pedersen C, Varigos J, Verhamme P, Vinereanu D, Yusoff K, Zhu J. 2020. Role of Combination Antiplatelet and Anticoagulation Therapy in Diabetes Mellitus and Cardiovascular Disease: Insights From the COMPASS Trial. Circulation 141:1841–1854.
Bainey KR, Welsh RC, Connolly SJ, Marsden T, Bosch J, Fox KAA, Steg PG, Vinereanu D, Connolly DL, Berkowitz SD, Foody JM, Probstfield JL, Branch KR, Lewis BS, Diaz R, Muehlhofer E, Widimsky P, Yusuf S, Eikelboom JW, Bhatt DL, On behalf of the COMPASS Investigators. 2020. Rivaroxaban Plus Aspirin Versus Aspirin Alone in Patients With Prior Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (COMPASS-PCI). Circulation 141:1141–1151.
Bhatt DL, Miller M, Brinton EA, Jacobson TA, Steg PhG, Ketchum SB, Doyle RT, Juliano RA, Jiao L, Granowitz C, Tardif J-C, Olshansky B, Chung MK, Gibson CM, Giugliano RP, Budoff MJ, Ballantyne CM, On behalf of the REDUCE-IT Investigators. 2020. REDUCE-IT USA: Results From the 3146 Patients Randomized in the United States. Circulation 141:367–375.
Damask A, Steg PG, Schwartz GG, Szarek M, Hagström E, Badimon L, Chapman MJ, Boileau C, Tsimikas S, Ginsberg HN, Banerjee P, Manvelian G, Pordy R, Hess S, Overton JD, Lotta LA, Yancopoulos GD, Abecasis GR, Baras A, Paulding C, On behalf of the Regeneron Genetics Center and the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Investigators. 2020. Patients With High Genome-Wide Polygenic Risk Scores for Coronary Artery Disease May Receive Greater Clinical Benefit From Alirocumab Treatment in the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Trial. Circulation 141:624–636.
Hara H, Van Klaveren D, Takahashi K, Kogame N, Chichareon P, Modolo R, Tomaniak M, Ono M, Kawashima H, Wang R, Gao C, Niethammer M, Fontos G, Angioi M, Ribeiro VG, Barbato E, Leandro S, Hamm C, Valgimigli M, Windecker S, Jüni P, Steg PG, Verbeeck J, Tijssen JGP, Sharif F, Onuma Y, Serruys PW, for the GLOBAL LEADERS Trial Investigators. 2020. Comparative Methodological Assessment of the Randomized GLOBAL LEADERS Trial Using Total Ischemic and Bleeding Events. Circ: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 13:e006660.
Fuchs A, Urena M, Chong-Nguyen C, Kikoïne J, Brochet E, Abtan J, Fischer Q, Ducrocq G, Vahanian A, Iung B, Himbert D. 2020. Valve-in-Valve and Valve-in-Ring Transcatheter Mitral Valve Implantation in Young Women Contemplating Pregnancy. Circ: Cardiovascular Interventions 13:e009579.
Hara H, Takahashi K, Kogame N, Tomaniak M, Kerkmeijer LSM, Ono M, Kawashima H, Wang R, Gao C, Wykrzykowska JJ, De Winter RJ, Neumann F-J, Plante S, Lemos Neto PA, Garg S, Jüni P, Vranckx P, Windecker S, Valgimigli M, Hamm C, Steg PG, Onuma Y, Serruys PW. 2020. Impact of Bleeding and Myocardial Infarction on Mortality in All-Comer Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Circ: Cardiovascular Interventions 13:e009177.
Duthoit G, Silvain J, Marijon E, Ducrocq G, Lepillier A, Frere C, Dimby S-F, Popovic B, Lellouche N, Martin-Toutain I, Spaulding C, Brochet E, Attias D, Mansourati J, Lorgis L, Klug D, Zannad N, Hauguel-Moreau M, Braik N, Deltour S, Ceccaldi A, Wang H, Hammoudi N, Brugier D, Vicaut E, Juliard J-M, Montalescot G, for the ADRIFT Investigators. 2020. Reduced Rivaroxaban Dose Versus Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After Left Atrial Appendage Closure: ADRIFT a Randomized Pilot Study. Circ: Cardiovascular Interventions 13:e008481.
Berry NC, Mauri L, Steg PG, Bhatt DL, Hohnloser SH, Nordaby M, Miede C, Kimura T, Lip GYH, Oldgren J, Ten Berg JM, Cannon CP, on behalf of the REDUAL PCI Steering Committee and Investigators. 2020. Effect of Lesion Complexity and Clinical Risk Factors on the Efficacy and Safety of Dabigatran Dual Therapy Versus Warfarin Triple Therapy in Atrial Fibrillation After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Subgroup Analysis From the REDUAL PCI Trial. Circ: Cardiovascular Interventions 13:e008349.
Sorrentino S, Sartori S, Baber U, Claessen BE, Giustino G, Chandrasekhar J, Chandiramani R, Cohen DJ, Henry TD, Guedeney P, Ariti C, Dangas G, Gibson CM, Krucoff MW, Moliterno DJ, Colombo A, Vogel B, Chieffo A, Kini AS, Witzenbichler B, Weisz G, Steg PG, Pocock S, Urban P, Mehran R. 2020. Bleeding Risk, Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Cessation, and Adverse Events After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: The PARIS Registry. Circ: Cardiovascular Interventions 13:e008226.
Stavres J, Luck JC, Ducrocq GP, Cauffman AE, Pai S, Sinoway LI. 2020. Central and peripheral modulation of exercise pressor reflex sensitivity after nonfatiguing work. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 319:R575–R583.
Estrada JA, Ducrocq GP, Kim JS, Kaufman MP. 2020. Intrathecal injection of brilliant blue G, a P2X7 antagonist, attenuates the exercise pressor reflex in rats. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 319:R223–R232.
Ducrocq GP, Kim JS, Estrada JA, Kaufman MP. 2020. ASIC1a does not play a role in evoking the metabolic component of the exercise pressor reflex in a rat model of peripheral artery disease. American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 319:H171–H182.
Li L, Luengo-Fernandez R, Zuurbier SM, Beddows NC, Lavallee P, Silver LE, Kuker W, Rothwell PM. 2020. Ten-year risks of recurrent stroke, disability, dementia and cost in relation to site of primary intracerebral haemorrhage: population-based study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 91:580–585.
Norel X, Sugimoto Y, Ozen G, Abdelazeem H, Amgoud Y, Bouhadoun A, Bassiouni W, Goepp M, Mani S, Manikpurage HD, Senbel A, Longrois D, Heinemann A, Yao C, Clapp LH. 2020. International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. CIX. Differences and Similarities between Human and Rodent Prostaglandin E 2 Receptors (EP1–4) and Prostacyclin Receptor (IP): Specific Roles in Pathophysiologic Conditions. Pharmacol Rev 72:910–968.
Ducrocq GP, Kaufman MP. 2020. Inorganic phosphate and lactate potentiate the pressor response to acidic stimuli in rats. Experimental Physiology 105:613–621.
Lapergue B, Lyoubi A, Meseguer E, Avram I, Denier C, Venditti L, Consoli A, Guedon A, Houdart E, Weisenburger‐Lile D, Piotin M, Maier B, Obadia M, Broucker TDE. 2020. Large vessel stroke in six patients following SARS‐CoV‐2 infection: a retrospective case study series of acute thrombotic complications on stable underlying atherosclerotic disease. Euro J of Neurology 27:2308–2311.
Ozen G, Benyahia C, Mani S, Boukais K, Silverstein AM, Bayles R, Nelsen AC, Castier Y, Danel C, Mal H, Clapp LH, Longrois D, Norel X. 2020. Bronchodilation induced by PGE 2 is impaired in Group III pulmonary hypertension. British J Pharmacology 177:161–174.
Furtado RHM, Nicolau JC, Magnani G, Im K, Bhatt DL, Storey RF, Steg PG, Spinar J, Budaj A, Kontny F, Corbalan R, Kiss RG, Abola MT, Johanson P, Jensen EC, Braunwald E, Sabatine MS, Bonaca MP. 2020. Long-term ticagrelor for secondary prevention in patients with prior myocardial infarction and no history of coronary stenting: insights from PEGASUS-TIMI 54. European Heart Journal 41:1625–1632.
Sinnaeve PR, Schwartz GG, Wojdyla DM, Alings M, Bhatt DL, Bittner VA, Chiang C-E, Correa Flores RM, Diaz R, Dorobantu M, Goodman SG, Jukema JW, Kim Y-U, Pordy R, Roe MT, Sy RG, Szarek M, White HD, Zeiher AM, Steg PG, for the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Investigators. 2020. Effect of alirocumab on cardiovascular outcomes after acute coronary syndromes according to age: an ODYSSEY OUTCOMES trial analysis. European Heart Journal 41:2248–2258.
Sorbets E, Fox KM, Elbez Y, Danchin N, Dorian P, Ferrari R, Ford I, Greenlaw N, Kalra PR, Parma Z, Shalnova S, Tardif J-C, Tendera M, Zamorano JL, Vidal-Petiot E, Steg PG, CLARIFY investigators. 2020. Long-term outcomes of chronic coronary syndrome worldwide: insights from the international CLARIFY registry. European Heart Journal 41:347–356.
Baber U, Dangas G, Angiolillo DJ, Cohen DJ, Sharma SK, Nicolas J, Briguori C, Cha JY, Collier T, Dudek D, Džavik V, Escaned J, Gil R, Gurbel P, Hamm CW, Henry T, Huber K, Kastrati A, Kaul U, Kornowski R, Krucoff M, Kunadian V, Marx SO, Mehta S, Moliterno D, Ohman EM, Oldroyd K, Sardella G, Sartori S, Shlofmitz R, Steg PG, Weisz G, Witzenbichler B, Han Y-L, Pocock S, Gibson CM, Mehran R. 2020. Ticagrelor alone vs. ticagrelor plus aspirin following percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: TWILIGHT-ACS. European Heart Journal 41:3533–3545.
Szarek M, Bittner VA, Aylward P, Baccara-Dinet M, Bhatt DL, Diaz R, Fras Z, Goodman SG, Halvorsen S, Harrington RA, Jukema JW, Moriarty PM, Pordy R, Ray KK, Sinnaeve P, Tsimikas S, Vogel R, White HD, Zahger D, Zeiher AM, Steg PG, Schwartz GG, for the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Investigators. 2020. Lipoprotein(a) lowering by alirocumab reduces the total burden of cardiovascular events independent of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol lowering: ODYSSEY OUTCOMES trial. European Heart Journal 41:4245–4255.
Tuñón J, Steg PG, Bhatt DL, Bittner VA, Díaz R, Goodman SG, Jukema JW, Kim Y-U, Li QH, Mueller C, Parkhomenko A, Pordy R, Sritara P, Szarek M, White HD, Zeiher AM, Schwartz GG, for the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Investigators. 2020. Effect of alirocumab on major adverse cardiovascular events according to renal function in patients with a recent acute coronary syndrome: prespecified analysis from the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES randomized clinical trial. European Heart Journal 41:4114–4123.
Tomaniak M, Chichareon P, Takahashi K, Kogame N, Modolo R, Chang CC, Spitzer E, Neumann F-J, Plante S, Hernández Antolin R, Jambrik Z, Gelev V, Brunel P, Konteva M, Beygui F, Morelle J-F, Filipiak KJ, Van Geuns R-J, Soliman O, Tijssen J, Rademaker-Havinga T, Storey RF, Hamm C, Steg PG, Windecker S, Onuma Y, Valgimigli M, Serruys PW, for the GLOBAL LEADERS Study Investigators. 2020. Impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and dyspnoea on clinical outcomes in ticagrelor treated patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention in the randomized GLOBAL LEADERS trial. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy 6:222–230.
Serruys PW, Tomaniak M, Chichareon P, Modolo R, Kogame N, Takahashi K, Chang CC, Spitzer E, Walsh SJ, Adlam D, Hildick-Smith D, Édes I, Van De Harst P, Krackhardt F, Tijssen JGP, Rademaker-Havinga T, Garg S, Steg PG, Hamm C, Jüni P, Vranckx P, Onuma Y, Verheugt FWA. 2019. Patient-oriented composite endpoints and net adverse clinical events with ticagrelor monotherapy following percutaneous coronary intervention: insights from the randomised GLOBAL LEADERS trial. EuroIntervention 15:e1090–e1098.
Chichareon P, Onuma Y, Van Klaveren D, Modolo R, Kogame N, Takahashi K, Chang CC, Tomaniak M, Asano T, Katagiri Y, Van Geuns R-JM, Bolognese L, Tumscitz C, Vrolix M, Petrov I, Garg S, Naber CK, Sabaté M, Iqbal J, Wykrzykowska JJ, Piek JJ, Spitzer E, Jüni P, Hamm C, Steg PG, Valgimigli M, Vranckx P, Windecker S, Serruys PW. 2019. Validation of the updated logistic clinical SYNTAX score for all-cause mortality in the GLOBAL LEADERS trial. EuroIntervention 15:e539–e546.
Vidal-Petiot E, Greenlaw N, Kalra PR, Garcia-Moll X, Tardif J-C, Ford I, Zamorano J, Ferrari R, Tendera M, Fox KM, Steg PG, on behalf of the CLARIFY investigators on behalf of the CLARIFY investigators. 2019. Chronic Kidney Disease Has a Graded Association with Death and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Stable Coronary Artery Disease: An Analysis of 21,911 Patients from the CLARIFY Registry. JCM 9:4.
Breyer RM, Clapp L, Coleman RA, Giembycz M, Heinemann A, Hills R, Jones RL, Narumiya S, Norel X, Pettipher R, Sugimoto Y, Uddin M, Woodward DF, Yao C. 2019. Prostanoid receptors (version 2019.5) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database. GtoPdb CITE 2019.
Breyer RM, Clapp L, Coleman RA, Giembycz M, Heinemann A, Hills R, Jones RL, Narumiya S, Norel X, Pettipher R, Sugimoto Y, Woodward DF, Yao C. 2019. Prostanoid receptors (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database. GtoPdb CITE 2019.
Parma Z, Young R, Roleder T, Marona M, Ford I, Tendera M, Steg PG, Stępińska J. 2019. Management strategies and 5-year outcomes in Polish patients with stable coronary artery disease in the CLARIFY registry versus other European countries. Polish Archives of Internal Medicine
Zelniker TA, Morrow DA, Mosenzon O, Gurmu Y, Im K, Cahn A, Raz I, Steg PG, Leiter LA, Braunwald E, Bhatt DL, Scirica BM. 2019. Cardiac and Inflammatory Biomarkers Are Associated with Worsening Renal Outcomes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Observations from SAVOR-TIMI 53. Clinical Chemistry 65:781–790.
Amarenco P, Kim JS, Labreuche J, Giroud M, Lee B-C, Mahagne M-H, Nighoghossian N, Simon T, Steg PG, Touboul P-J, Vicaut E, Yelles N, Bruckert E. 2019. Treat stroke to target trial design: First trial comparing two LDL targets in patients with atherothrombotic strokes. European Stroke Journal 4:271–280.
Hoshino T, Sissani L, Labreuche J, Bousser M-G, Chamorro A, Fisher M, Ford I, Fox KM, Hennerici MG, Mattle HP, Rothwell PM, Gabriel Steg P, Vicaut E, Amarenco P. 2019. Non-cardioembolic stroke/transient ischaemic attack in Asians and non-Asians: A post-hoc analysis of the PERFORM study. European Stroke Journal 4:65–74.
Tan NS, Sarak B, Fox KA, Brieger D, Steg PhG, Gale CP, Bhatt DL, Spencer FA, Grondin FR, Goodman SG, Yan AT, on behalf of the Canadian GRACE/GRACE-2 and CANRACE Investigators. 2019. Pulse pressure in acute coronary syndromes: Comparative prognostic significance with systolic blood pressure. European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 8:309–317.
Kemlin C, Moulton E, Lamy J-C, Houot M, Valabregue R, Leder S, Obadia MA, Meseguer E, Yger M, Brochard V, Corvol J-C, Samson Y, Rosso C. 2019. Elucidating the Structural and Functional Correlates of Upper-Limb Poststroke Motor Impairment. Stroke 50:3647–3649.
Ntaios G, Pearce LA, Meseguer E, Endres M, Amarenco P, Ozturk S, Lang W, Bornstein NM, Molina CA, Pagola J, Mundl H, Berkowitz SD, Liu YY, Sen S, Connolly SJ, Hart RG, on behalf of the NAVIGATE ESUS Investigators. 2019. Aortic Arch Atherosclerosis in Patients With Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source: An Exploratory Analysis of the NAVIGATE ESUS Trial. Stroke 50:3184–3190.
Ntaios G, Swaminathan B, Berkowitz SD, Gagliardi RJ, Lang W, Siegler JE, Lavados P, Mundl H, Bornstein N, Meseguer E, Amarenco P, Cucchiara B, Camps-Renom P, Makaritsis K, Korompoki E, Papavasileiou V, Marti-Fabregas J, Milionis H, Vemmos K, Connolly SJ, Hart RG, on behalf of the NAVIGATE ESUS Investigators. 2019. Efficacy and Safety of Rivaroxaban Versus Aspirin in Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source and Carotid Atherosclerosis. Stroke 50:2477–2485.
Abboud H, Monteiro Tavares L, Labreuche J, Arauz A, Bryer A, Lavados PM, Massaro A, Munoz Collazos M, Steg PG, Yamout BI, Vicaut E, Amarenco P, for the OPTIC Registry Investigators. 2019. Impact of Low Ankle-Brachial Index on the Risk of Recurrent Vascular Events: Insights From the OPTIC Registry. Stroke 50:853–858.
Desnos C, Iung B, Himbert D, Ducrocq G, Urena M, Cormier B, Brochet E, Ou P, Vahanian A, Bouleti C. 2019. Temporal Trends on Percutaneous Mitral Commissurotomy: 30 Years of Experience. JAHA 8:e012031.
Himbert D, Urena M, Ducrocq G. 2019. Is Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Becoming the Standard of Care in Octogenarians? JAHA 8:e011833.
Jukema JW, Zijlstra LE, Bhatt DL, Bittner VA, Diaz R, Drexel H, Goodman SG, Kim Y-U, Pordy R, Reiner Ž, Roe MT, Tse H-F, Montenegro Valdovinos PC, White HD, Zeiher AM, Szarek M, Schwartz GG, Steg PG, For the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Investigators. 2019. Effect of Alirocumab on Stroke in ODYSSEY OUTCOMES. Circulation 140:2054–2062.
Roe MT, Li QH, Bhatt DL, Bittner VA, Diaz R, Goodman SG, Harrington RA, Jukema JW, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Lopes RD, Louie MJ, Moriarty PM, Szarek M, Vogel R, White HD, Zeiher AM, Baccara-Dinet MT, Steg PhG, Schwartz GG, For the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Investigators. 2019. Risk Categorization Using New American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines for Cholesterol Management and Its Relation to Alirocumab Treatment Following Acute Coronary Syndromes. Circulation 140:1578–1589.
Bergmark BA, Bhatt DL, McGuire DK, Cahn A, Mosenzon O, Steg PhG, Im K, Kanevsky E, Gurmu Y, Raz I, Braunwald E, Scirica BM, On behalf of the SAVOR-TIMI 53 Steering Committee and Investigators. 2019. Metformin Use and Clinical Outcomes Among Patients With Diabetes Mellitus With or Without Heart Failure or Kidney Dysfunction: Observations From the SAVOR-TIMI 53 Trial. Circulation 140:1004–1014.
Steg PG, Szarek M, Bhatt DL, Bittner VA, Brégeault M-F, Dalby AJ, Diaz R, Edelberg JM, Goodman SG, Hanotin C, Harrington RA, Jukema JW, Lecorps G, Mahaffey KW, Moryusef A, Ostadal P, Parkhomenko A, Pordy R, Roe MT, Tricoci P, Vogel R, White HD, Zeiher AM, Schwartz GG, For the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Committees and Investigators†. 2019. Effect of Alirocumab on Mortality After Acute Coronary Syndromes: An Analysis of the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Randomized Clinical Trial. Circulation 140:103–112.
Szarek M, Steg PhG, DiCenso D, Bhatt DL, Bittner VA, Budaj A, Diaz R, Goodman SG, Gotcheva N, Jukema JW, Pordy R, Roe MT, Sourdille T, White HD, Xavier D, Zeiher AM, Schwartz GG, for the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Committees and Investigators*. 2019. Alirocumab Reduces Total Hospitalizations and Increases Days Alive and Out of Hospital in the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Trial. Circ: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 12:e005858.
Baber U, Leisman DE, Cohen DJ, Gibson CM, Henry TD, Dangas G, Moliterno D, Kini A, Krucoff M, Colombo A, Chieffo A, Sartori S, Witzenbichler B, Steg PG, Pocock SJ, Mehran R. 2019. Tailoring Antiplatelet Therapy Intensity to Ischemic and Bleeding Risk: A Cost Consequence Simulation From PARIS. Circ: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes 12:e004945.
Baber U, Stefanini GG, Giustino G, Stone GW, Leon MB, Sartori S, Aquino M, Steg PG, Windecker S, Wijns W, Serruys PW, Valgimigli M, Morice M, Camenzind E, Weisz G, Smits PC, Kandzari DE, Von Birgelen C, Dangas GD, Galatius S, Jeger RV, Kimura T, Mikhail GW, Itchhaporia D, Mehta L, Ortega R, Kim H-S, Kastrati A, Chieffo A, Mehran R. 2019. Impact of Diabetes Mellitus in Women Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention With Drug-Eluting Stents: From the Women in Innovation and Drug-Eluting Stents Collaborative Patient-Level Pooled Analysis. Circ: Cardiovascular Interventions 12:e007734.
Palmerini T, Bruno AG, Gilard M, Morice M-C, Valgimigli M, Montalescot G, Collet J-P, Della Riva D, Bacchi-Reggiani ML, Steg PG, Diallo A, Vicaut E, Helft G, Nakamura M, Généreux P, Vahl TP, Stone GW. 2019. Risk-Benefit Profile of Longer-Than-1-Year Dual-Antiplatelet Therapy Duration After Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation in Relation to Clinical Presentation: A Pairwise Meta-Analysis of 6 Trials and 21 457 Patients. Circ: Cardiovascular Interventions 12:e007541.
Abtan J, Ducrocq G, Steg PG, Stone GW, Mahaffey KW, Gibson CM, Hamm CW, Price MJ, Prats J, Deliargyris EN, White HD, Harrington RA, Bhatt DL, on behalf of the CHAMPION PHOENIX Investigators. 2019. Periprocedural Outcomes According to Timing of Clopidogrel Loading Dose in Patients Who Did Not Receive P2Y 12 Inhibitor Pretreatment: Analysis From the CHAMPION PHOENIX Trial. Circ: Cardiovascular Interventions 12:e007445.
Olivier CB, Bhatt DL, Leonardi S, Stone GW, Gibson CM, Steg PhG, Hamm CW, Wilson MD, Mangum S, Price MJ, Prats J, White HD, Lopes RD, Harrington RA, Mahaffey KW, on Behalf of the CHAMPION PHOENIX Investigators*. 2019. Central Adjudication Identified Additional and Prognostically Important Myocardial Infarctions in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Results From CHAMPION PHOENIX. Circ: Cardiovascular Interventions 12:e007342.
Faggioni M, Baber U, Sartori S, Chandrasekhar J, Cohen DJ, Henry TD, Claessen BE, Dangas GD, Gibson CM, Krucoff MW, Vogel B, Moliterno DJ, Sorrentino S, Colombo A, Chieffo A, Kini A, Farhan S, Ariti C, Witzenbichler B, Weisz G, Steg PG, Pocock S, Mehran R. 2019. Influence of Baseline Anemia on Dual Antiplatelet Therapy Cessation and Risk of Adverse Events After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Insights From the PARIS Registry. Circ: Cardiovascular Interventions 12:e007133.
Guidoux C, Meseguer E, Ong E, Lavallée PC, Hobeanu C, Monteiro-Tavares L, Charles H, Cabrejo L, Martin-Bechet A, Rigual R, Nighoghossian N, Amarenco P. 2019. Twelve-month outcome in patients with stroke and atrial fibrillation not suitable to oral anticoagulant strategy: the WATCH-AF registry. Open Heart 6:e001187.
Darmon A, Ducrocq G. 2019. Ischaemic and bleeding risk assessment after myocardial infarction: combination is the key. Heart heartjnl-2019-315050.
Gandhi S, Goodman SG, Greenlaw N, Ford I, McSkimming P, Ferrari R, Jang Y, Alcocer-Gamba MA, Fox K, Tardif J-C, Tendera M, Dorian P, Steg G, Udell JA. 2019. Living alone and cardiovascular disease outcomes. Heart 105:1087–1095.
Leonardi S, Franzone A, Piccolo R, McFadden E, Vranckx P, Serruys P, Benit E, Liebetrau C, Janssens L, Ferrario M, Zurakowski A, Van Geuns R-J, Dominici M, Huber K, Slagboom T, Buszman P, Bolognese L, Tumscitz C, Bryniarski K, Aminian A, Vrolix M, Petrov I, Garg S, Naber C, Prokopczuk J, Hamm C, Steg G, Heg D, Juni P, Windecker S, Valgimigli M. 2019. Rationale and design of a prospective substudy of clinical endpoint adjudication processes within an investigator-reported randomised controlled trial in patients with coronary artery disease: the GLOBAL LEADERS Adjudication Sub-StudY (GLASSY). BMJ Open 9:e026053.
Alexander SPH, Christopoulos A, Davenport AP, Kelly E, Mathie A, Peters JA, Veale EL, Armstrong JF, Faccenda E, Harding SD, Pawson AJ, Sharman JL, Southan C, Davies JA, CGTP Collaborators. 2019. THE CONCISE GUIDE TO PHARMACOLOGY 2019/20: G protein‐coupled receptors. British J Pharmacology 176.
Bhatt DL, Steg PG. 2019. THEMIS and THEMIS-PCI. European Heart Journal 40:3378–3381.
Serruys PW, Takahashi K, Chichareon P, Kogame N, Tomaniak M, Modolo R, Chang CC, Komiyama H, Soliman O, Wykrzykowska JJ, De Winter RJ, Ferrario M, Dominici M, Buszman P, Bolognese L, Tumscitz C, Benit E, Stoll H-P, Hamm C, Steg PG, Onuma Y, Jüni P, Windecker S, Vranckx P, Colombo A, Valgimigli M. 2019. Impact of long-term ticagrelor monotherapy following 1-month dual antiplatelet therapy in patients who underwent complex percutaneous coronary intervention: insights from the Global Leaders trial. European Heart Journal 40:2595–2604.
White HD, Steg PG, Szarek M, Bhatt DL, Bittner VA, Diaz R, Edelberg JM, Erglis A, Goodman SG, Hanotin C, Harrington RA, Jukema JW, Lopes RD, Mahaffey KW, Moryusef A, Pordy R, Roe MT, Sritara P, Tricoci P, Zeiher AM, Schwartz GG, ODYSSEY OUTCOMES Investigators. 2019. Effects of alirocumab on types of myocardial infarction: insights from the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES trial. European Heart Journal 40:2801–2809.
Oldgren J, Steg PG, Hohnloser SH, Lip GYH, Kimura T, Nordaby M, Brueckmann M, Kleine E, Ten Berg JM, Bhatt DL, Cannon CP. 2019. Dabigatran dual therapy with ticagrelor or clopidogrel after percutaneous coronary intervention in atrial fibrillation patients with or without acute coronary syndrome: a subgroup analysis from the RE-DUAL PCI trial. European Heart Journal 40:1553–1562.
Abtan J, Steg PG. 2019. Pre-treatment with a P2Y12 antagonist before PCI in STEMI: why should we wait? European Heart Journal 40:1211–1213.
Sorbets E, Steg PG, Young R, Danchin N, Greenlaw N, Ford I, Tendera M, Ferrari R, Merkely B, Parkhomenko A, Reid C, Tardif J-C, Fox KM, for the CLARIFY investigators. 2019. β-blockers, calcium antagonists, and mortality in stable coronary artery disease: an international cohort study. European Heart Journal 40:1399–1407.
Thygesen K, Alpert JS, Jaffe AS, Chaitman BR, Bax JJ, Morrow DA, White HD, ESC Scientific Document Group, Thygesen K, Alpert JS, Jaffe AS, Chaitman BR, Bax JJ, Morrow DA, White HD, Mickley H, Crea F, Van De Werf F, Bucciarelli-Ducci C, Katus HA, Pinto FJ, Antman EM, Hamm CW, De Caterina R, Januzzi JL, Apple FS, Alonso Garcia MA, Underwood SR, Canty JM, Lyon AR, Devereaux PJ, Zamorano JL, Lindahl B, Weintraub WS, Newby LK, Virmani R, Vranckx P, Cutlip D, Gibbons RJ, Smith SC, Atar D, Luepker RV, Robertson RM, Bonow RO, Steg PG, O’Gara PT, Fox KAA, Hasdai D, Aboyans V, Achenbach S, Agewall S, Alexander T, Avezum A, Barbato E, Bassand J-P, Bates E, Bittl JA, Breithardt G, Bueno H, Bugiardini R, Cohen MG, Dangas G, De Lemos JA, Delgado V, Filippatos G, Fry E, Granger CB, Halvorsen S, Hlatky MA, Ibanez B, James S, Kastrati A, Leclercq C, Mahaffey KW, Mehta L, Müller C, Patrono C, Piepoli MF, Piñeiro D, Roffi M, Rubboli A, Sharma S, Simpson IA, Tendera M, Valgimigli M, Van Der Wal AC, Windecker S, Chettibi M, Hayrapetyan H, Roithinger FX, Aliyev F, Sujayeva V, Claeys MJ, Smajić E, Kala P, Iversen KK, El Hefny E, Marandi T, Porela P, Antov S, Gilard M, Blankenberg S, Davlouros P, Gudnason T, Alcalai R, Colivicchi F, Elezi S, Baitova G, Zakke I, Gustiene O, Beissel J, Dingli P, Grosu A, Damman P, Juliebø V, Legutko J, Morais J, Tatu-Chitoiu G, Yakovlev A, Zavatta M, Nedeljkovic M, Radsel P, Sionis A, Jemberg T, Müller C, Abid L, Abaci A, Parkhomenko A, Corbett S. 2019. Fourth universal definition of myocardial infarction (2018). European Heart Journal 40:237–269.
Valgimigli M, Garcia-Garcia HM, Vrijens B, Vranckx P, McFadden EP, Costa F, Pieper K, Vock DM, Zhang M, Van Es G-A, Tricoci P, Baber U, Steg G, Montalescot G, Angiolillo DJ, Serruys PW, Farb A, Windecker S, Kastrati A, Colombo A, Feres F, Jüni P, Stone GW, Bhatt DL, Mehran R, Tijssen JGP. 2019. Standardized classification and framework for reporting, interpreting, and analysing medication non-adherence in cardiovascular clinical trials: a consensus report from the Non-adherence Academic Research Consortium (NARC). European Heart Journal 40:2070–2085.
Fox KAA, Eikelboom JW, Anand SS, Bhatt DL, Bosch J, Connolly SJ, Harrington RA, Steg PG, Yusuf S. 2019. Anti-thrombotic options for secondary prevention in patients with chronic atherosclerotic vascular disease: what does COMPASS add? European Heart Journal 40:1466–1471.
Dellborg M, Bonaca MP, Storey RF, Steg PG, Im KA, Cohen M, Bhatt DL, Oude Ophuis T, Budaj A, Hamm C, Spinar J, Kiss RG, Lopez-Sendon J, Kamensky G, Van De Werf F, Ardissino D, Kontny F, Montalescot G, Johanson P, Bengtsson O, Himmelmann A, Braunwald E, Sabatine MS. 2019. Efficacy and safety with ticagrelor in patients with prior myocardial infarction in the approved European label: insights from PEGASUS-TIMI 54. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy 5:200–206.
Stone GW, Kappetein AP, Sabik JF, Pocock SJ, Morice M-C, Puskas J, Kandzari DE, Karmpaliotis D, Brown WM, Lembo NJ, Banning A, Merkely B, Horkay F, Boonstra PW, Van Boven AJ, Ungi I, Bogáts G, Mansour S, Noiseux N, Sabaté M, Pomar J, Hickey M, Gershlick A, Buszman PE, Bochenek A, Schampaert E, Pagé P, Modolo R, Gregson J, Simonton CA, Mehran R, Kosmidou I, Généreux P, Crowley A, Dressler O, Serruys PW. 2019. Five-Year Outcomes after PCI or CABG for Left Main Coronary Disease. N Engl J Med 381:1820–1830.
Mehran R, Baber U, Sharma SK, Cohen DJ, Angiolillo DJ, Briguori C, Cha JY, Collier T, Dangas G, Dudek D, Džavík V, Escaned J, Gil R, Gurbel P, Hamm CW, Henry T, Huber K, Kastrati A, Kaul U, Kornowski R, Krucoff M, Kunadian V, Marx SO, Mehta SR, Moliterno D, Ohman EM, Oldroyd K, Sardella G, Sartori S, Shlofmitz R, Steg PG, Weisz G, Witzenbichler B, Han Y, Pocock S, Gibson CM. 2019. Ticagrelor with or without Aspirin in High-Risk Patients after PCI. N Engl J Med 381:2032–2042.
Steg PG, Bhatt DL, Simon T, Fox K, Mehta SR, Harrington RA, Held C, Andersson M, Himmelmann A, Ridderstråle W, Leonsson-Zachrisson M, Liu Y, Opolski G, Zateyshchikov D, Ge J, Nicolau JC, Corbalán R, Cornel JH, Widimský P, Leiter LA. 2019. Ticagrelor in Patients with Stable Coronary Disease and Diabetes. N Engl J Med 381:1309–1320.
Mehta SR, Wood DA, Storey RF, Mehran R, Bainey KR, Nguyen H, Meeks B, Di Pasquale G, López-Sendón J, Faxon DP, Mauri L, Rao SV, Feldman L, Steg PG, Avezum Á, Sheth T, Pinilla-Echeverri N, Moreno R, Campo G, Wrigley B, Kedev S, Sutton A, Oliver R, Rodés-Cabau J, Stanković G, Welsh R, Lavi S, Cantor WJ, Wang J, Nakamya J, Bangdiwala SI, Cairns JA. 2019. Complete Revascularization with Multivessel PCI for Myocardial Infarction. N Engl J Med 381:1411–1421.
Bhatt DL, Steg PG, Miller M, Brinton EA, Jacobson TA, Ketchum SB, Doyle RT, Juliano RA, Jiao L, Granowitz C, Tardif J-C, Ballantyne CM. 2019. Cardiovascular Risk Reduction with Icosapent Ethyl for Hypertriglyceridemia. N Engl J Med 380:11–22.
2019. Open versus Endovascular Repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. N Engl J Med 381:e24.
Assayag M, Abbas R, Chanson N, Perozziello A, Ducrocq G, Alexandra J-F, Dossier A, Papo T, Sacre K. 2017. Diagnosis of systemic inflammatory diseases among patients admitted for acute pericarditis with pericardial effusion: Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine 18:875–880.
Adjedj J, Ducrocq G, Bouleti C, Reinhart L, Fabbro E, Elbez Y, Fischer Q, Tesniere A, Feldman L, Varenne O. 2017. Medical Student Evaluation With a Serious Game Compared to Multiple Choice Questions Assessment. JMIR Serious Games 5:e11.
Parma Z, Steg PG, Greenlaw N, Ferrari R, Ford I, Fox K, Tardif J-C, Morais J, Gamba MA, Kääb S, Tendera For The Clarify Investigators M. 2017. Differences in outcomes in patients with stable coronary artery disease managed by cardiologists versus non-cardiologists: the international prospective CLARIFY registry. Polish Archives of Internal Medicine
Lindholm D, James SK, Bertilsson M, Becker RC, Cannon CP, Giannitsis E, Harrington RA, Himmelmann A, Kontny F, Siegbahn A, Steg PG, Storey RF, Velders MA, Weaver WD, Wallentin L. 2017. Biomarkers and Coronary Lesions Predict Outcomes after Revascularization in Non–ST-Elevation Acute Coronary Syndrome. Clinical Chemistry 63:573–584.
Hagström E, Held C, Stewart RAH, Aylward PE, Budaj A, Cannon CP, Koenig W, Krug-Gourley S, Mohler ER, Steg PG, Tarka E, Östlund O, White HD, Siegbahn A, Wallentin L. 2017. Growth Differentiation Factor 15 Predicts All-Cause Morbidity and Mortality in Stable Coronary Heart Disease. Clinical Chemistry 63:325–333.
Ducrocq GP, Hureau TJ, Meste O, Blain GM. 2017. Increased Fatigue Response to Augmented Deceptive Feedback during Cycling Time Trial. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 49:1541–1551.
Hilkens NA, Algra A, Diener H-C, Reitsma JB, Bath PM, Csiba L, Hacke W, Kappelle LJ, Koudstaal PJ, Leys D, Mas J-L, Sacco RL, Amarenco P, Sissani L, Greving JP, For the Cerebrovascular Antiplatelet Trialists’ Collaborative Group, Cerebrovascular Antiplatelet Trialists’ Collaborative Group, Gent M, Beaumont D, Blanchard J, Bousser M, Coffman J, Easton JD, Hampton J, Harker L, Janzon L, Kusmierek J, Panak E, Roberts R, Shannon S, Sicurella J, Tognoni G, Topol E, Verstraete M, Warlow C, Blard J, Capildeo R, Diener H, Ersmark B, Escartin A, Ferro J, Galvin R, Hogenhuis L, Laterre C, Provincial L, Rinne U, Bovim G, Lowenthal A, Diener H, Bogousslavsky J, Brass L, Cimminiello C, Csiba L, Kaste M, Leys D, Matias-Guiu J, Rupprecht H, Berger P, Bhatt D, Black H, Boden W, Cacoub P, Cohen E, Creager M, Easton J, Flather M, Fox K, Hacke W, Haffner S, Hamm C, Hankey G, Johnston S, Mak K, Mas J, Montalescot G, Pearson T, Steg P, Steinhubl S, Topol E, Weber M, Aichner F, Algra A, Bogousslavsky J, Chamorro A, Chen C, De Schryver E, Ferro J, Van Gijn J, Hankey G, Hertzberger L, Koudstaal P, Leys D, Ricci S, Ringelstein E, Vanhooren G, Venables G, Albers G, Bath P, Bornstein N, Chan B, Chen S-T, Cunha L, Dahlöf B, DeKeyser J, Diener H, Donnan G, Estol C, Gorelick P, Kaste M, Lu C, Pais P, Roberts R, Sacco R, Skvortsova V, Teal P, Toni D, Weber M, Yoon B, Yusuf S, Amarenco P, Bousser M-G, Chamorro A, Fisher M, Ford I, Fox K, Hennerici M, Mattle H, Rothwell P, Sissani L, Labreuche J, Steg G, Vicaut E. 2017. Predicting major bleeding in patients with noncardioembolic stroke on antiplatelets: S 2 TOP-BLEED. Neurology 89:936–943.
for the iDIAPASON study group, Bouglé A, Foucrier A, Dupont H, Montravers P, Ouattara A, Kalfon P, Squara P, Simon T, Amour J. 2017. Impact of the duration of antibiotics on clinical events in patients with Pseudomonas aeruginosa ventilator-associated pneumonia: study protocol for a randomized controlled study. Trials 18:37.
Feldman L, Steg PG, Amsallem M, Puymirat E, Sorbets E, Elbaz M, Ritz B, Hueber A, Cattan S, Piot C, Ferrières J, Simon T, Danchin N, on behalf of the FAST-MI investigators. 2017. Editor’s Choice-Medically managed patients with non–ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction have heterogeneous outcomes, based on performance of angiography and extent of coronary artery disease. European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 6:262–271.
Puymirat E, Caudron J, Steg PG, Lemesle G, Cottin Y, Coste P, Schiele F, De Labriolle A, Bataille V, Ferrières J, Simon T, Danchin N, for the FAST-MI investigators. 2017. Prognostic impact of non-compliance with guidelines-recommended times to reperfusion therapy in ST-elevation myocardial infarction. The FAST-MI 2010 registry. European Heart Journal: Acute Cardiovascular Care 6:26–33.
Hoshino T, Uchiyama S, Wong LKS, Sissani L, Albers GW, Bornstein NM, Caplan LR, Donnan GA, Ferro JM, Hennerici MG, Labreuche J, Lavallée PC, Molina C, Rothwell PM, Steg PG, Touboul P-J, Vicaut É, Amarenco P. 2017. Differences in Characteristics and Outcomes Between Asian and Non-Asian Patients in the Stroke 48:1779–1787.
Hobeanu C, Lavallée PC, Rothwell PM, Sissani L, Albers GW, Bornstein NM, Caplan LR, Donnan GA, Ferro JM, Hennerici MG, Labreuche J, Molina C, Steg PG, Touboul P-J, Uchiyama S, Vicaut É, Wong LKS, Amarenco P. 2017. Symptomatic Patients Remain at Substantial Risk of Arterial Disease Complications Before and After Endarterectomy or Stenting. Stroke 48:1005–1010.
Lavallée PC, Sissani L, Labreuche J, Meseguer E, Cabrejo L, Guidoux C, Klein IF, Touboul P-J, Amarenco P. 2017. Clinical Significance of Isolated Atypical Transient Symptoms in a Cohort With Transient Ischemic Attack. Stroke 48:1495–1500.
Bossard M, Granger CB, Tanguay J, Montalescot G, Faxon DP, Jolly SS, Widimsky P, Niemela K, Steg PG, Natarajan MK, Gao P, Fox KAA, Yusuf S, Mehta SR. 2017. Double‐Dose Versus Standard‐Dose Clopidogrel According to Smoking Status Among Patients With Acute Coronary Syndromes Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. JAHA 6:e006577.
Stewart RAH, Hagström E, Held C, Wang TKM, Armstrong PW, Aylward PE, Cannon CP, Koenig W, López‐Sendón JL, Mohler ER, Hadziosmanovic N, Krug‐Gourley S, Ramos Corrales MA, Siddique S, Steg PG, White HD, Wallentin L, on behalf of the STABILITY Investigators. 2017. Self‐Reported Health and Outcomes in Patients With Stable Coronary Heart Disease. JAHA 6:e006096.
Lindholm D, Hagström E, James SK, Becker RC, Cannon CP, Himmelmann A, Katus HA, Maurer G, López‐Sendón JL, Steg PG, Storey RF, Siegbahn A, Wallentin L. 2017. Growth Differentiation Factor 15 at 1 Month After an Acute Coronary Syndrome Is Associated With Increased Risk of Major Bleeding. JAHA 6:e005580.
Held C, White HD, Stewart RAH, Budaj A, Cannon CP, Hochman JS, Koenig W, Siegbahn A, Steg PG, Soffer J, Weaver WD, Östlund O, Wallentin L, on behalf of the STABILITY Investigators. 2017. Inflammatory Biomarkers Interleukin‐6 and C‐Reactive Protein and Outcomes in Stable Coronary Heart Disease: Experiences From the STABILITY (Stabilization of Atherosclerotic Plaque by Initiation of Darapladib Therapy) Trial. JAHA 6:e005077.
Puymirat E, Simon T, Cayla G, Cottin Y, Elbaz M, Coste P, Lemesle G, Motreff P, Popovic B, Khalife K, Labèque J-N, Perret T, Le Ray C, Orion L, Jouve B, Blanchard D, Peycher P, Silvain J, Steg PG, Goldstein P, Guéret P, Belle L, Aissaoui N, Ferrières J, Schiele F, Danchin N. 2017. Acute Myocardial Infarction: Changes in Patient Characteristics, Management, and 6-Month Outcomes Over a Period of 20 Years in the FAST-MI Program (French Registry of Acute ST-Elevation or Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction) 1995 to 2015. Circulation 136:1908–1919.
Deharo P, Ducrocq G, Bode C, Cohen M, Cuisset T, Mehta SR, Pollack C, Wiviott SD, Elbez Y, Sabatine MS, Steg PG. 2017. Timing of Angiography and Outcomes in High-Risk Patients With Non–ST-Segment–Elevation Myocardial Infarction Managed Invasively: Insights From the TAO Trial (Treatment of Acute Coronary Syndrome With Otamixaban). Circulation 136:1895–1907.
Adriaenssens T, Joner M, Godschalk TC, Malik N, Alfonso F, Xhepa E, De Cock D, Komukai K, Tada T, Cuesta J, Sirbu V, Feldman LJ, Neumann F-J, Goodall AH, Heestermans T, Buysschaert I, Hlinomaz O, Belmans A, Desmet W, Ten Berg JM, Gershlick AH, Massberg S, Kastrati A, Guagliumi G, Byrne RA. 2017. Optical Coherence Tomography Findings in Patients With Coronary Stent Thrombosis: A Report of the PRESTIGE Consortium (Prevention of Late Stent Thrombosis by an Interdisciplinary Global European Effort). Circulation 136:1007–1021.
Simon T, Danchin N. 2017. Clinical Impact of Pharmacogenomics of Clopidogrel in Stroke. Circulation 135:34–37.
Cavender MA, Bhatt DL, Stone GW, Steg PhG, Gibson CM, Hamm CW, Price MJ, Prats J, Elkin S, Deliargyris EN, Mahaffey KW, White HD, Harrington RA. 2017. Cangrelor in Older Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Findings From CHAMPION PHOENIX. Circ: Cardiovascular Interventions 10:e005257.
Shah B, Baber U, Pocock SJ, Krucoff MW, Ariti C, Gibson CM, Steg PG, Weisz G, Witzenbichler B, Henry TD, Kini AS, Stuckey T, Cohen DJ, Iakovou I, Dangas G, Aquino MB, Sartori S, Chieffo A, Moliterno DJ, Colombo A, Mehran R. 2017. White Blood Cell Count and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in the Contemporary Era: Insights From the PARIS Study (Patterns of Non-Adherence to Anti-Platelet Regimens in Stented Patients Registry). Circ: Cardiovascular Interventions 10:e004981.
Sawlani NN, Harrington RA, Stone GW, Steg PhG, Gibson CM, Hamm CW, Price MJ, Prats J, Deliargyris EN, Mahaffey KW, White HD, Bhatt DL. 2017. Impact of Cerebrovascular Events Older Than One Year on Ischemic and Bleeding Outcomes With Cangrelor in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. Circ: Cardiovascular Interventions 10:e004380.
Parker WA, Bhatt DL, Prats J, Day JRS, Steg PG, Stone GW, Hamm CW, Mahaffey KW, Price MJ, Michael Gibson C, White HD, Storey RF, the CHAMPION PHOENIX Investigators. 2017. Characteristics of dyspnoea and associated clinical outcomes in the CHAMPION PHOENIX study. Thromb Haemost 117:1093–1100.
Thomas MR, Angiolillo DJ, Bonaca MP, Ajjan RA, Judge HM, Rollini F, Franchi F, Ahsan AJ, Bhatt DL, Kuder JF, Steg PG, Cohen M, Muthusamy R, Sabatine MS, Storey RF. 2017. Consistent platelet inhibition with ticagrelor 60 mg twice-daily following myocardial infarction regardless of diabetes status. Thromb Haemost 117:940–947.
Abboud H, Sissani L, Labreuche J, Arauz A, Bousser M-G, Bryer A, Chamorro A, Fisher M, Ford I, Fox KM, Hennerici MG, Lavados PM, Massaro A, Mattle HP, Munoz Collazos M, Rothwell PM, Steg PG, Vicaut E, Yamouth B, Amarenco P, on behalf of the OPTIC Registry and PERFORM Trial Investigators. 2017. Specificities of Ischemic Stroke Risk Factors in Arab-Speaking Countries. Cerebrovasc Dis 43:169–177.
Huber K, Ducrocq G, Hamm CW, Van ’T Hof A, Lapostolle F, Coste P, Gordini G, Steinmetz J, Verheugt FWA, Adgey J, Nibbe L, Kaniĉ V, Clemmensen P, Zeymer U, Bernstein D, Prats J, Deliargyris EN, Gabriel Steg P. 2017. Early clinical outcomes as a function of use of newer oral P2Y 12 inhibitors versus clopidogrel in the EUROMAX trial. Open Heart 4:e000677.
Potier L, Roussel R, Elbez Y, Marre M, Zeymer U, Reid CM, Ohman M, Eagle KA, Bhatt DL, Steg PG. 2017. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers in high vascular risk. Heart 103:1339–1346.
Koutsoukis A, Halna Du Fretay X, Dupouy P, Ou P, Laissy J-P, Juliard J-M, Hyafil F, Aubry P, on behalf of the ANOCOR Investigators. 2017. Interobserver variability in the classification of congenital coronary abnormalities: A substudy of the anomalous connections of the coronary arteries registry. Congenital Heart Disease 12:726–732.
Ozen G, Gomez I, Daci A, Deschildre C, Boubaya L, Teskin O, Uydeş‐Doğan BS, Jakobsson P, Longrois D, Topal G, Norel X. 2017. I nhibition of microsomal PGE synthase‐1 reduces human vascular tone by increasing PGI 2 : a safer alternative to COX‐2 inhibition. British J Pharmacology 174:4087–4098.
McCarthy CP, Steg G, Bhatt DL. 2017. The management of antiplatelet therapy in acute coronary syndrome patients with thrombocytopenia: a clinical conundrum. European Heart Journal 38:3488–3492.
De Silva R, Steg PG. 2017. Identifying patients with acute total coronary occlusion in NSTEACS: finding the high-risk needle in the haystack. European Heart Journal 38:3090–3093.
Katus H, Ziegler A, Ekinci O, Giannitsis E, Stough WG, Achenbach S, Blankenberg S, Brueckmann M, Collinson P, Comaniciu D, Crea F, Dinh W, Ducrocq G, Flachskampf FA, Fox KAA, Friedrich MG, Hebert KA, Himmelmann A, Hlatky M, Lautsch D, Lindahl B, Lindholm D, Mills NL, Minotti G, Möckel M, Omland T, Semjonow V. 2017. Early diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome. European Heart Journal 38:3049–3055.
Vidal-Petiot E, Stebbins A, Chiswell K, Ardissino D, Aylward PE, Cannon CP, Ramos Corrales MA, Held C, López-Sendón JL, Stewart RAH, Wallentin L, White HD, Steg PG, on behalf of the STABILITY Investigators. 2017. Visit-to-visit variability of blood pressure and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with stable coronary heart disease. Insights from the STABILITY trial. European Heart Journal 38:2813–2822.
Steg PG, Simon T. 2017. Duration of antiplatelet therapy after DES implantation: can we trust non-inferiority open-label trials? European Heart Journal 38:1044–1047.
Van Den Berg MJ, Bhatt DL, Kappelle LJ, De Borst GJ, Cramer MJ, Van Der Graaf Y, Steg PG, Visseren FLJ, on behalf of the SMART study group, REACH Registry investigators. 2017. Identification of vascular patients at very high risk for recurrent cardiovascular events: validation of the current ACC/AHA very high risk criteria. European Heart Journal 38:3211–3218.
Abell JE, Laing SM, Barker TC, Norry EC, Starzyk K, Goodman SG, Dellborg M, Steg PG, Giugliano RP. 2017. Adjunctive use of anticoagulants at the time of percutaneous coronary intervention in patients with an acute coronary syndrome treated with fondaparinux: a multinational retrospective review. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy 3:214–220.
Eikelboom JW, Connolly SJ, Bosch J, Dagenais GR, Hart RG, Shestakovska O, Diaz R, Alings M, Lonn EM, Anand SS, Widimsky P, Hori M, Avezum A, Piegas LS, Branch KRH, Probstfield J, Bhatt DL, Zhu J, Liang Y, Maggioni AP, Lopez-Jaramillo P, O’Donnell M, Kakkar AK, Fox KAA, Parkhomenko AN, Ertl G, Störk S, Keltai M, Ryden L, Pogosova N, Dans AL, Lanas F, Commerford PJ, Torp-Pedersen C, Guzik TJ, Verhamme PB, Vinereanu D, Kim J-H, Tonkin AM, Lewis BS, Felix C, Yusoff K, Steg PG, Metsarinne KP, Cook Bruns N, Misselwitz F, Chen E, Leong D, Yusuf S. 2017. Rivaroxaban with or without Aspirin in Stable Cardiovascular Disease. N Engl J Med 377:1319–1330.
Cannon CP, Bhatt DL, Oldgren J, Lip GYH, Ellis SG, Kimura T, Maeng M, Merkely B, Zeymer U, Gropper S, Nordaby M, Kleine E, Harper R, Manassie J, Januzzi JL, Ten Berg JM, Steg PG, Hohnloser SH. 2017. Dual Antithrombotic Therapy with Dabigatran after PCI in Atrial Fibrillation. N Engl J Med 377:1513–1524.
Mas J-L, Derumeaux G, Guillon B, Massardier E, Hosseini H, Mechtouff L, Arquizan C, Béjot Y, Vuillier F, Detante O, Guidoux C, Canaple S, Vaduva C, Dequatre-Ponchelle N, Sibon I, Garnier P, Ferrier A, Timsit S, Robinet-Borgomano E, Sablot D, Lacour J-C, Zuber M, Favrole P, Pinel J-F, Apoil M, Reiner P, Lefebvre C, Guérin P, Piot C, Rossi R, Dubois-Randé J-L, Eicher J-C, Meneveau N, Lusson J-R, Bertrand B, Schleich J-M, Godart F, Thambo J-B, Leborgne L, Michel P, Pierard L, Turc G, Barthelet M, Charles-Nelson A, Weimar C, Moulin T, Juliard J-M, Chatellier G. 2017. Patent Foramen Ovale Closure or Anticoagulation vs. Antiplatelets after Stroke. N Engl J Med 377:1011–1021.
Lincoff AM, Nicholls SJ, Riesmeyer JS, Barter PJ, Brewer HB, Fox KAA, Gibson CM, Granger C, Menon V, Montalescot G, Rader D, Tall AR, McErlean E, Wolski K, Ruotolo G, Vangerow B, Weerakkody G, Goodman SG, Conde D, McGuire DK, Nicolau JC, Leiva-Pons JL, Pesant Y, Li W, Kandath D, Kouz S, Tahirkheli N, Mason D, Nissen SE. 2017. Evacetrapib and Cardiovascular Outcomes in High-Risk Vascular Disease. N Engl J Med 376:1933–1942.
Rouzier R, Uzan C, Rousseau A, Guillot E, Zilberman S, Meyer C, Estevez P, Dupre P-F, Kere D, Doridot V, D’halluin G, Fritel X, Pouget N, Jankowski C, Mazouni C, Simon T, Coutant C. 2017. Multicenter prospective evaluation of the reliability of the combined use of two models to predict non-sentinel lymph node status in breast cancer patients with metastatic sentinel lymph nodes: the MSKCC nomogram and the Tenon score. Results of the NOTEGS study. Br J Cancer 116:1135–1140.
the Papillophar Study Group, Lefevre M, Rousseau A, Rayon T, Dalstein V, Clavel C, Beby-Defaux A, Pretet J-L, Soussan P, Polette M, Lacau Saint Guily J, Birembaut P. 2017. Epithelial to mesenchymal transition and HPV infection in squamous cell oropharyngeal carcinomas: the papillophar study. Br J Cancer 116:362–369.
Vidal-Petiot E, Bhatt DL, Fox KM, Steg PG. 2017. Blood pressure and cardiovascular outcomes: a closer look – Authors’ reply. The Lancet 389:1296–1297.