Team 4: Nanotechnologies for vascular medicine and imaging


Improving diagnostic and treatment of vascular diseases requires new approaches for the molecular imaging of pathological processes, the delivery of drugs and the development of new physical therapeutical approaches. Progress over the past two decades in the synthesis and functionalization of both organic and inorganic nanomaterials offer specific opportunities. The properties of nanoparticles can be tuned via modification of their core composition (organic/inorganic), size, surface reactivity (allowing the coupling of molecules of interest: targeting, drugs, imaging) and, in the case of inorganic nanoparticles, their physical properties (magnetic, optical). Team 4 focuses on the synthesis and characterization (transverse axe#1 physico-chemistry) of a range of nanomaterials (organic and/or inorganic), their physical actuation and interactions with biological systems, and explores their capacities for targeted delivery of drugs, molecular imaging and diagnostics (transverse axe#2 biophysic). The two transverse axes of physico-chemistry and in-situ biophysics are common to the entire team. We combine expertise in the multiple disciplines (physics, chemistry, biology, pharmacology, biochemical engineering, medical imaging) that are necessary to advance fundamental knowledge and applications in this highly competitive field (scheme 1). Progress also requires solid foundations, which is challenging given the poor reproducibility of the biomedical literature. To address this challenge, we work on our own research practices, examine the validity and replicability of published work, and investigate the mechanisms of correction of science in the bionano field. Finally, we have an established track record and commitment for clinical transfer and industrial valorization. Overall, through transdisciplinary approaches, we aim to improve the knowledge of how nanosystems interact with biological systems as well as the survival and quality of life of individuals through the development of innovative tools, with the goal of advancing new prognostic, diagnostic and new therapeutic solutions with remote control to fight vascular pathologies.

The main themes of research that are developed in the Team are:
• Theme 1: Targeted therapy
• Theme 2: Molecular imaging
• Theme 3: Correction of science in the bionano field

Family name
First name
NOVIANITABerlianaStag M2berliananovianita@gmail.com


De La Taille T, Doukhi D, Mazighi M, Chauvierre C. 2025. Ischemic strokes: exploring the challenges of translating nanomedicine into clinical practice. J Nanopart Res 27:88.
Zununi Vahed S, Hejazian SM, Bakari WN, Landon R, Gueguen V, Meddahi-Pellé A, Anagnostou F, Barzegari A, Pavon-Djavid G. 2025. Milking mesenchymal stem cells: Updated protocols for cell lysate, secretome, and exosome extraction, and comparative analysis of their therapeutic potential. Methods 238:40–60.
Tadic M, Lazovic J, Panjan M, Tadic BV, Lalatonne Y. 2025. Solvothermal synthesis of hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanoparticles: Influence of surfactants on morphology, magnetic anisotropy, MRI relaxivity and biocompability. Inorganic Chemistry Communications 114290.
De La Taille T, Sarfati P, Aid R, Fournier L, Pavon-Djavid G, Chaubet F, Chauvierre C. 2025. Microemulsion-Inspired Polysaccharide Nanoparticles for an Advanced Targeted Thrombolytic Treatment. ACS Nano 19:2944–2960.
Genovese C, Mahida B, Rouzet F, Timsit J-F, Thy M. 2025. Role of nuclear imaging techniques in the management of infections in critically ill patients. Intensive Care Med
Martín-Faivre L, Prince L, Cornu C, Villeret B, Sanchez-Guzman D, Rouzet F, Sallenave J-M, Garcia-Verdugo I. 2025. Pulmonary delivery of silver nanoparticles prevents influenza infection by recruiting and activating lymphoid cells. Biomaterials 312:122721.
Oostveen RF, Zheng KH, Kaiser Y, Nurmohamed NS, Kroon J, De Wit TC, Poel E, Aerts J, Rouzet F, Stroes ESG, Letourneur D, Verberne HJ, Chauvierre C, Ståhle MR. 2024. First-in-human study of 99mTc-labeled fucoidan, a SPECT tracer targeting P-selectin. EJNMMI Res 14:112.
Amouroux B, Wurth C, Roux C, Eftekhari A, Sliwa M, Bouchet A, Micheau J-C, Resch Genger U, Coudret C. 2024. Time-Resolved Rate Equation Analysis Disclose Kinetics Controlling Luminescence of Nanometer Tm-Upconverting Nanoparticles. J Phys Chem C 128:18836–18848.
Amouroux B, Eftekhari A, Roux C, Micheau J, Roblin P, Pasturel M, Gauffre F, Würth C, Resch‐Genger U, Sliwa M, Bouchet A, Coudret C. 2024. Synthesis and Emission Dynamics of Sub‐3 nm Upconversion Nanoparticles. Advanced Optical Materials 12:2303283.
Bruggeman E, Van Den Eynde R, Amouroux B, Venneman T, Vanden Berghe P, Müller M, Vandenberg W, Dedecker P. 2024. Fast and Artifact-Free Excitation Multiplexing Using Synchronized Image Scanning. Nano Lett 24:11141–11148.
Zununi Vahed S, Zuluaga Tamayo M, Rodriguez-Ruiz V, Thibaudeau O, Aboulhassanzadeh S, Abdolalizadeh J, Meddahi-Pellé A, Gueguen V, Barzegari A, Pavon-Djavid G. 2024. Functional Mechanisms of Dietary Crocin Protection in Cardiovascular Models under Oxidative Stress. Pharmaceutics 16:840.
Zununi Vahed S, Hejazian SM, Ardalan M, Anagnostou F, Pavon-Djavid G, Barzegari A. 2024. The impacts of dietary antioxidants on cardiovascular events in hemodialysis patients: An update on the cellular and molecular mechanisms. Nutrition Reviews nuae039.
Zhang Y, Roux C, Rouchaud A, Meddahi-Pellé A, Gueguen V, Mangeney C, Sun F, Pavon-Djavid G, Luo Y. 2024. Recent advances in Fe-based bioresorbable stents: Materials design and biosafety. Bioactive Materials 31:333–354.
Van Schelt A, Gottwald LM, Wassenaar NPM, Runge JH, Sinkus R, Stoker J, Nederveen AJ, Schrauben EM. 2024. Single Breath‐Hold MR Elastography for Fast Biomechanical Probing of Pancreatic Stiffness. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 59:688–698.
Rost NCV, Said M, Gharib M, Lévy R, Boem F. 2024. Better nanoscience through open, collaborative, and critical discussions. Materials Horizons 11:3005–3010.
Sarfati P, De La Taille T, Portioli C, Spanò R, Lalatonne Y, Decuzzi P, Chauvierre C. 2024. REVIEW: “ISCHEMIC STROKE: From Fibrinolysis to Functional Recovery” Nanomedicine: emerging approaches to treat ischemic stroke. Neuroscience 550:102–113.
Robin M, Mouloungui E, Castillo Dali G, Wang Y, Saffar J-L, Pavon-Djavid G, Divoux T, Manneville S, Behr L, Cardi D, Choudat L, Giraud-Guille M-M, Meddahi-Pellé A, Baudimont F, Colombier M-L, Nassif N. 2024. Mineralized collagen plywood contributes to bone autograft performance. Nature 636:100–107.
Pellenc Q, Benali K, Milleron O, Leimgruber A, Jondeau G, Rouzet F. 2024. Red Blood Cell Scintigraphy and the Controversy of Endotension After Aortic Aneurysm Endovascular Repair. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 67:173–174.
Laissy J, Boukobza M. 2024. Editorial for “Deep‐Learning‐Based MRI Microbleeds Detection for Cerebral Small Vessel Disease on Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 60:1176–1177.
Curcio A, Curé G, Espinosa A, Menguy N, Galarreta‐Rodriguez I, Abou‐Hassan A, Piquet B, Motte L, Lalatonne Y, Wilhelm C, Van De Walle A. 2024. Elucidating the Dynamics of Biodegradation and Biosynthesis of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Human Stem Cells. Small 20:2407034.
Cosson E, Thioye EMM, Tatulashvili S, Vicaut E, Larger E, Sal M, Pinto S, Fabre E, Lalatonne Y, Sutton A, Nachtergaele C, Portal J-J, Zerguine M, Carbillon L, Bihan H. 2024. The Prognosis of Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibodies in Women With Hyperglycemia in Pregnancy. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 109:e1117–e1124.
Bourrienne M-C, Le Cam Duchez V, Faille D, Farkh C, Solo Nomenjanahary M, Gay J, Loyau S, Journé C, Dupont S, Ollivier V, Villeval J-L, Plo I, Edmond V, Jandrot-Perrus M, Labrouche-Colomer S, Cassinat B, Verger E, Desilles J-P, Ho-Tin-Noé B, Triquenot Bagan A, Mazighi M, Ajzenberg N. 2024. Exacerbation of thromboinflammation by JAK2 V617F mutation worsens the prognosis of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. Blood Advances 8:3330–3343.
Wochner P, Schneider T, Stockmann J, Lee J, Sinkus R. 2023. Diffusion phase-imaging in anisotropic media using non-linear gradients for diffusion encoding. PLOS ONE 18:e0281332.
Temple J, Velliou E, Shehata M, Lévy R, Gupta P. 2023. Correction to: ‘Current strategies with implementation of 3D cell culture: The challenge of quantification’ (2022) by Temple et al. Interface Focus 13:20220066.
Socie P, Benmalek A, Cauquil C, Piekarski E, Kounis I, Eliahou L, Rousseau A, Rouzet F, Echaniz-Laguna A, Samuel D, Adams D, Slama MS, Algalarrondo V. 2023. Comparison between tafamidis and liver transplantation as first-line therapy for hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis. Amyloid 30:303–312.
Svensson SF, Halldórsson S, Latysheva A, Fuster-Garcia E, Hjørnevik T, Fraser-Green J, Birkeland Bugge RA, Grinband J, Holm S, Sinkus R, Vik-Mo EO, Emblem KE. 2023. MR elastography identifies regions of extracellular matrix reorganization associated with shorter survival in glioblastoma patients. Neuro-Oncology Advances 5:vdad021.
Sebti Y, Si-Mohamed S, Aid R, Geinguenaud F, Chalal M, Lalatonne Y, Chaubet F, Ou P, Motte L. 2023. Optical and X-ray attenuation properties of hafnium oxide nanoparticles surface functionalized with fucoidan: toward the early diagnosis of atherothrombotic diseases. Materials Advances 4:1011–1020.
Régis C, Benali K, Rouzet F. 2023. FDG PET/CT Imaging of Sarcoidosis. Seminars in Nuclear Medicine 53:258–272.
Laissy J. 2023. Editorial for “Comparison of Three Ultrasmall, Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for MRI at 3.0 T.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 57:1830–1831.
Laissy J-P, Pezel T, Herbin C, Corino C, Bendriss A. 2023. Contrast-enhanced cine MR sequences in the assessment of myocardial hyperemia in acute myocarditis: can they help? A feasibility study. Heart and Vessels 38:662–670.
Joo B, Won SY, Sinkus R, Lee S-K. 2023. Viscoelastic Property of the Brain Assessed With Magnetic Resonance Elastography and Its Association With Glymphatic System in Neurologically Normal Individuals. Korean Journal of Radiology 24:564.
Guénin E, Fromain A, Serrano A, Gropplero G, Lalatonne Y, Espinosa A, Wilhelm C. 2023. Design and evaluation of multi-core raspberry-like platinum nanoparticles for enhanced photothermal treatment. Communications Materials 4:84.
Hejazian SM, Ardalan M, Hosseiniyan Khatibi SM, Rahbar Saadat Y, Barzegari A, Gueguen V, Meddahi‐Pellé A, Anagnostou F, Zununi Vahed S, Pavon‐Djavid G. 2023. Biofactors regulating mitochondrial function and dynamics in podocytes and podocytopathies. Journal of Cellular Physiology 238:2206–2227.
Fromain A, Perez JE, Van De Walle A, Lalatonne Y, Wilhelm C. 2023. Photothermia at the nanoscale induces ferroptosis via nanoparticle degradation. Nature Communications 14:4637.
Fournier L, De La Taille T, Chauvierre C. 2023. Microbubbles for human diagnosis and therapy. Biomaterials 294:122025.
Fromain A, Van De Walle A, Curé G, Péchoux C, Serrano A, Lalatonne Y, Espinosa A, Wilhelm C. 2023. Biomineralization of magnetic nanoparticles in stem cells. Nanoscale 15:10097–10109.
Fournier L, Abioui-Mourgues M, Chabouh G, Aid R, Taille TDL, Couture O, Vivien D, Orset C, Chauvierre C. 2023. rtPA-loaded fucoidan polymer microbubbles for the targeted treatment of stroke. Biomaterials 303:122385.
Boukobza M, Ilic-Habensus E, Duval X, Laissy J-P. 2023. MRI of unruptured infectious intracranial aneurysms in infective endocarditis. A case-control study. Journal of Neuroradiology 50:539–547.
Boukobza M, Cabrol X, Laissy J-P. 2023. Anévrysme rénal infectieux retardé, 3 mois après chirurgie cardiaque pour une endocardite infectieuse à Streptococcus pyogenes ; cas et revue de la littérature. Annales de Cardiologie et d’Angéiologie 72:101626.
Barzegari A, Omidi Y, Gueguen V, Meddahi‐Pellé A, Letourneur D, Pavon‐Djavid G. 2023. Nesting and fate of transplanted stem cells in hypoxic/ischemic injured tissues: The role of HIF1α /sirtuins and downstream molecular interactions. BioFactors 49:6–20.
Aubry P, Du Fretay XH, Zendjebil S, Koutsoukis A, Farnoud R, Hyafil F, Ou P, Laissy JP, Adjedj J, Ferrag W, Dupouy P. 2023. Le registre ANOCOR. Annales de Cardiologie et d’Angéiologie 72:101690.
Tardieu M, Salameh N, Souris L, Rousseau D, Jourdain L, Skeif H, Prévot F, De Rochefort L, Ducreux D, Louis B, Garteiser P, Sinkus R, Darrasse L, Poirier‐Quinot M, Maître X. 2022. Magnetic resonance elastography with guided pressure waves. NMR in Biomedicine 35:e4701.
Tabibzadeh N, Faucon A-L, Vidal-Petiot E, Serrano F, Males L, Fernandez P, Khalil A, Rouzet F, Tardivon C, Mazer N, Dubertret C, Delavest M, Marlinge E, Etain B, Bellivier F, Vrtovsnik F, Flamant M. 2022. Determinants of Kidney Function and Accuracy of Kidney Microcysts Detection in Patients Treated With Lithium Salts for Bipolar Disorder. Frontiers in Pharmacology 12:784298.
Soliman MG, Davies HA, Sharkey J, Lévy R, Madine J. 2022. Development of amyloid beta gold nanorod aggregates as optoacoustic probes. PLOS ONE 17:e0259608.
Sénémaud JN, Skarbek C, Vigne J, Rouzet F, Castier Y, Caligiuri G. 2022. Molecular Imaging of Experimental Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Targeting Vascular Homeostasis Disruption via CD31 Shedding. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 64:735–736.
Sebti Y, Chauveau T, Chalal M, Lalatonne Y, Lefebvre C, Motte L. 2022. Assessment of the Morphological, Optical, and Photoluminescence Properties of HfO2 Nanoparticles Synthesized by a Sol–Gel Method Assisted by Microwave Irradiation. Inorganic Chemistry 61:6508–6518.
Schneider L, Murray P, Lévy R, Wilmshurst P. 2022. Time to retract Lancet paper on tissue engineered trachea transplants. BMJ o498.
Régis C, Rouzet F. 2022. A new perspective for phase analysis of radionuclide angiocardiography. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 29:3099–3101.
Piekarski E, Mahida B, Rouzet F, Le Guludec D. 2022. FDG PET/CT in CIEDs infection: Don’t wait any longer! Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 29:609–611.
Pichardo AH, Amadeo F, Wilm B, Lévy R, Ressel L, Murray P, Sée V. 2022. Optical Tissue Clearing to Study the Intra-Pulmonary Biodistribution of Intravenously Delivered Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and Their Interactions with Host Lung Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23:14171.
Nguyen TN, Humblot V, Migonney V, Lévy R. 2022. Atomic force microscopy characterization of polyethylene terephthalate grafting with poly(styrene sulfonate). Nanotechnology 33:205702.
Palotai M, Schregel K, Nazari N, Merchant JP, Taylor WM, Guttmann CRG, Sinkus R, Young‐Pearse TL, Patz S. 2022. Magnetic resonance elastography to study the effect of amyloid plaque accumulation in a mouse model. Journal of Neuroimaging 32:617–628.
Mikail N, Males L, Hyafil F, Benali K, Deschamps L, Brochet E, Ehmer C, Driss AB, Saker L, Rossi A, Alkhoder S, Raffoul R, Rouzet F, Ou P. 2022. Diagnosis and staging of cardiac masses: additional value of CMR with 18F-FDG-PET compared to CMR with CECT. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 49:2232–2241.
Lopez S, Hallali N, Lalatonne Y, Hillion A, Antunes JC, Serhan N, Clerc P, Fourmy D, Motte L, Carrey J, Gigoux V. 2022. Magneto-mechanical destruction of cancer-associated fibroblasts using ultra-small iron oxide nanoparticles and low frequency rotating magnetic fields. Nanoscale Advances 4:421–436.
Kooshki N, Grambow-Velilla J, Mahida B, Benali K, Nguyen C, Cimadevilla C, Braham W, Pisani A, Iung B, Raffoul R, Rouzet F, Hyafil F. 2022. Diagnostic performance of White Blood Cell SPECT imaging against intra-operative findings in patients with a suspicion of prosthetic valve endocarditis. Journal of Nuclear Cardiology 29:528–534.
Laissy J-P, BenDriss A. 2022. Early and Follow-up CMR Features of Acute Biventricular Myocarditis. Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 30:86.
Kubiak K, Wien F, Yadav I, Jones NC, Vrønning Hoffmann S, Le Cam E, Cossa A, Geinguenaud F, Van Der Maarel JRC, Węgrzyn G, Arluison V. 2022. Amyloid-like Hfq interaction with single-stranded DNA: involvement in recombination and replication in Escherichia coli. QRB Discovery 3:e15.
Hillion A, Hallali N, Clerc P, Lopez S, Lalatonne Y, Noûs C, Motte L, Gigoux V, Carrey J. 2022. Real-Time Observation and Analysis of Magnetomechanical Actuation of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Cells. Nano Letters 22:1986–1991.
Gholizadeh E, Naim M, Belibel R, Hlawaty H, Barbaud C. 2022. Novelty in the development of biodegradable polymer coatings for biomedical devices: paclitaxel grafting on PDMMLA derivatives. Designed Monomers and Polymers 25:64–74.
Geinguenaud F, Sainte‐Catherine O, Poirier F, Besnard V, Haddad O, Chaubet F, Lalatonne Y, Lutomski D, Sutton A, Motte L. 2022. Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Functionalized with Fucoidan: a Potential Theranostic Nanotool for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. ChemBioChem 23:e202200265.
Geinguenaud F, Sainte‐Catherine O, Poirier F, Besnard V, Haddad O, Chaubet F, Lalatonne Y, Lutomski D, Sutton A, Motte L. 2022. Cover Feature: Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Functionalized with Fucoidan: a Potential Theranostic Nanotool for Hepatocellular Carcinoma (ChemBioChem 16/2022). ChemBioChem 23:e202200393.
Fløgstad Svensson S, Fuster-Garcia E, Latysheva A, Fraser-Green J, Nordhøy W, Isam Darwish O, Thokle Hovden I, Holm S, Vik-Mo EO, Sinkus R, Eeg Emblem K. 2022. Decreased tissue stiffness in glioblastoma by MR elastography is associated with increased cerebral blood flow. European Journal of Radiology 147:110136.
Cazelles A, Collard MK, Lalatonne Y, Doblas S, Zappa M, Labiad C, Cazals-Hatem D, Maggiori L, Treton X, Panis Y, Jarry U, Desvallées T, Eliat P-A, Pineau R, Motte L, Letourneur D, Simon-Yarza T, Ogier-Denis E. 2022. A Preclinical Validation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Treatment of Perianal Fistulizing Crohn’s Disease. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23:8324.
Calderon-Jacinto R, Matricardi P, Gueguen V, Pavon-Djavid G, Pauthe E, Rodriguez-Ruiz V. 2022. Dual Nanostructured Lipid Carriers/Hydrogel System for Delivery of Curcumin for Topical Skin Applications. Biomolecules 12:780.
Barzegari A, Omidi Y, Landon R, Gueguen V, Parvizpour S, Meddahi-Pellé A, Anagnostou F, Pavon-Djavid G. 2022. The protective effect of N-acetylcysteine on antimycin A-induced respiratory chain deficiency in mesenchymal stem cells. Chemico-Biological Interactions 360:109937.
Barzegari A, Aaboulhassanzadeh S, Landon R, Gueguen V, Meddahi‐Pellé A, Parvizpour S, Anagnostou F, Pavon‐Djavid G. 2022. Mitohormesis and mitochondrial dynamics in the regulation of stem cell fate. Journal of Cellular Physiology 237:3435–3448.
Zenych A, Jacqmarcq C, Aid R, Fournier L, Forero Ramirez LM, Chaubet F, Bonnard T, Vivien D, Letourneur D, Chauvierre C. 2021. Fucoidan-functionalized polysaccharide submicroparticles loaded with alteplase for efficient targeted thrombolytic therapy. Biomaterials 277:121102.
Yushchenko M, Sarracanie M, Amann M, Sinkus R, Wuerfel J, Salameh N. 2021. Elastography Validity Criteria Definition Using Numerical Simulations and MR Acquisitions on a Low-Cost Structured Phantom. Frontiers in Physics 9:620331.
Vidal-Petiot E, Courbebaisse M, Livrozet M, Corrégé G, Rusu T, Montravers F, Baron S, Dupont L, Balouzet C, Smadja C, Leygnac S, Pariscoat G, Rose J, Rouzet F, Houillier P, Haymann J-P, Flamant M. 2021. Comparison of 51Cr-EDTA and 99mTc-DTPA for glomerular filtration rate measurement. Journal of Nephrology 34:729–737.
Van De Walle A, Plan Sangnier A, Fromain A, Wilhelm C, Lalatonne Y. 2021. Using Magnetometry to Monitor Cellular Incorporation and Subsequent Biodegradation of Chemically Synthetized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles. Journal of Visualized Experiments 61106.
Valensi P, Henry P, Boccara F, Cosson E, Prevost G, Emmerich J, Ernande L, Marcadet D, Mousseaux E, Rouzet F, Sultan A, Ferrières J, Vergès B, Van Belle E. 2021. Risk stratification and screening for coronary artery disease in asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus: Position paper of the French Society of Cardiology and the French-speaking Society of Diabetology. Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases 114:150–172.
Troelstra MA, Witjes JJ, Van Dijk A, Mak AL, Gurney‐Champion O, Runge JH, Zwirs D, Stols‐Gonçalves D, Zwinderman AH, Ten Wolde M, Monajemi H, Ramsoekh S, Sinkus R, Van Delden OM, Beuers UH, Verheij J, Nieuwdorp M, Nederveen AJ, Holleboom AG. 2021. Assessment of Imaging Modalities Against Liver Biopsy in Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: The Amsterdam NAFLD‐NASH Cohort. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 54:1937–1949.
Tadic M, Kopanja L, Panjan M, Lazovic J, Tadic BV, Stanojevic B, Motte L. 2021. Rhombohedron and plate-like hematite (α-Fe2O3) nanoparticles: synthesis, structure, morphology, magnetic properties and potential biomedical applications for MRI. Materials Research Bulletin 133:111055.
Svensson SF, De Arcos J, Darwish OI, Fraser‐Green J, Storås TH, Holm S, Vik‐Mo EO, Sinkus R, Emblem KE. 2021. Robustness of MR Elastography in the Healthy Brain: Repeatability, Reliability, and Effect of Different Reconstruction Methods. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 53:1510–1521.
Schregel K, Baufeld C, Palotai M, Meroni R, Fiorina P, Wuerfel J, Sinkus R, Zhang Y-Z, McDannold N, White PJ, Guttmann CRG. 2021. Targeted Blood Brain Barrier Opening With Focused Ultrasound Induces Focal Macrophage/Microglial Activation in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis. Frontiers in Neuroscience 15:665722.
Ribot J, Denoeud C, Frescaline G, Landon R, Petite H, Pavon-Djavid G, Bensidhoum M, Anagnostou F. 2021. Experimental Type 2 Diabetes Differently Impacts on the Select Functions of Bone Marrow-Derived Multipotent Stromal Cells. Cells 10:268.
Pourali A, Rashidi MR, Barar J, Pavon-Djavid G, Omidi Y. 2021. Voltammetric biosensors for analytical detection of cardiac troponin biomarkers in acute myocardial infarction. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 134:116123.
Pourali A, Barar J, Rashidi MR, Pavon-Djavid G, Omidi Y. 2021. Ultra-sensitive facile CdS nanocrystals-based electrochemical biosensor to detect myocardial infarction marker troponin. Microchemical Journal 165:106107.
Razza N, Lavino AD, Fadda G, Lairez D, Impagnatiello A, Marchisio D, Sangermano M, Rizza G. 2021. Nanoprobes to investigate nonspecific interactions in lipid bilayers: from defect-mediated adhesion to membrane disruption. Nanoscale Advances 3:4979–4989.
Moraes FC, Marcelo Forero Ramirez L, Aid R, Benadda S, Maire M, Chauvierre C, Antunes JC, Chaubet F, Letourneur D. 2021. P-selectin targeting polysaccharide-based nanogels for miRNA delivery. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 597:120302.
Mikail N, Khalil A, Rouzet F. 2021. Mediastinal Masses: 18F-FDG-PET/CT Features Based on the International Thymic Malignancy Interest Group Classification. Seminars in Nuclear Medicine 51:79–97.
Meddahi-Pelle A, Pavon-Djavid G, Chakfe N, Heim F. 2021. How yarn orientation limits fibrotic tissue ingrowth in a woven polyester heart valve scaffold: a case report. Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik 66:225–230.
Laissy J, Siauve N, Dossier A, Lancelot E. 2021. Transient Signal Intensity Enhancement in the Amniotic Fluid After Administration of a Macrocyclic Gadolinium Chelate to a Pregnant Woman. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 54:669–671.
Letourneur D, Joyce K, Chauvierre C, Bayon Y, Pandit A. 2021. Enabling MedTech Translation in Academia: Redefining Value Proposition with Updated Regulations. Advanced Healthcare Materials 10:2001237.
Laissy J. 2021. Editorial for “ Pseudo‐Enhancement in Intracranial Aneurysms on Black Blood MRI : Effects of Flow Rate, Spatial Resolution, and Additional Flow Suppression.” Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 54:902–903.
Hejazian SM, Hosseiniyan Khatibi SM, Barzegari A, Pavon-Djavid G, Razi Soofiyani S, Hassannejhad S, Ahmadian E, Ardalan M, Zununi Vahed S. 2021. Nrf-2 as a therapeutic target in acute kidney injury. Life Sciences 264:118581.
Duval X, Le Moing V, Tubiana S, Esposito-Farèse M, Ilic-Habensus E, Leclercq F, Bourdon A, Goehringer F, Selton-Suty C, Chevalier E, Boutoille D, Piriou N, Le Tourneau T, Chirouze C, Seronde M-F, Morel O, Piroth L, Eicher J-C, Humbert O, Revest M, Thébault E, Devillers A, Delahaye F, Boibieux A, Grégoire B, Hoen B, Laouenan C, Iung B, Rouzet F, group AE-Tep study, Duval X, Hoen B, Iung B, Rouzet F, Tubiana S, Albayrak T, Bernard Y, Boulahdour H, Briand F, Chirouze C, Faucher J-F, Guignier A, Hustache-Mathieu L, Illes-Hajnal G, Moreau J, Morel O, Seronde M-F, Behechti N, Blot M, Buisson M, Cochet A, Eicher J-C, Humbert O, Lecluse-Barth J, Mahy S, Piroth L, Andre P, Delahaye F, Delahaye A, Grégoire B, Bourdon A, Cade S, Casanova M-L, Cerutti D, De Verbizier D, Le Moing V, Martinez A, Morquin D, Solecki K, Bonay S, Chevalier E, Claudin M, Djaballah W, Goehringer F, Huttin O, Jeanmaire E, Marie P-Y, Roch V, Selton-Suty C, Vauthier S, Venner C, Asseray N, Biron C, Boutoille D, Brochard-Libois J, Cavellec M, Cueff C, Delarue S, Di Prizio C, Dinc L, Fellah I, Guijarro D, Lachaud M, Le Gloan L, Le Tourneau T, Lecompte A-S, Lefebvre M, Luçon A, Mathieu C, Orain J, others. 2021. Impact of Systematic Whole-body 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT on the Management of Patients Suspected of Infective Endocarditis: The Prospective Multicenter TEPvENDO Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases 73:393–403.
Delabie P, Evrard D, Zouhry I, Ou P, Rouzet F, Benali K, Piekarski E. 2021. Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue with cardiac metastasis on 18F-FDG PET/CT: A case report and literature review. Medicine 100:e25529.
Decuzzi P, Peer D, Mascolo DD, Palange AL, Manghnani PN, Moghimi SM, Farhangrazi ZS, Howard KA, Rosenblum D, Liang T, Chen Z, Wang Z, Zhu J-J, Gu Z, Korin N, Letourneur D, Chauvierre C, Van Der Meel R, Kiessling F, Lammers T. 2021. Roadmap on nanomedicine. Nanotechnology 32:012001.
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