Team leaders: Teresa SIMON YARZA (CR INSERM) & Patrick NATAF (PU-PH UPC)
Team 3 is made up of the previous team 3 from which the new team 4 has emerged with an activity focused on nanotechnology and imaging. The new team 3 is a multidisciplinary team in which chemists, physico-chemists, biologists, engineers, pharmacists, clinicians and surgeons, collaborate to develop innovative research projects, tissue engineering products and medical devices, and the transfer in industry and clinic. Thus, the team possesses the knowledge and know how to act at all the steps of the development from the research product to the patient. A recent example of this is the 2022 “Proof of Concept In Vivo” project SUVAR funded by INSERM Transfert. Based on the results of the thesis by L. Gernez to chemically modify the lumen of PVA small vascular grafts, which led to the writing of a patent, a project was built up together with surgeons in the team to further evaluate the clinical potential of this system. Another example is the clinical transfer of polysaccharide beads for tissue regeneration that led to > 25 publications, several PhD defenses, four patents by the team, and the license to Siltiss company that obtain in 2022 the agreement by the French agency for health (ANSM) to lunch clinical trial.
In particular, the main themes of research that are developed in the team are:
• Theme 1: Multiscale functional materials for tissue engineering
• Theme 2: Immersive technologies applied to medical device development and medicine