Improving diagnostic and treatment of vascular diseases requires new approaches for the molecular imaging of pathological processes, the delivery of drugs and the development of new physical therapeutical approaches. Progress over the past two decades in the synthesis and functionalization of both organic and inorganic nanomaterials offer specific opportunities. The properties of nanoparticles can be tuned via modification of their core composition (organic/inorganic), size, surface reactivity (allowing the coupling of molecules of interest: targeting, drugs, imaging) and, in the case of inorganic nanoparticles, their physical properties (magnetic, optical). Team 4 focuses on the synthesis and characterization (transverse axe#1 physico-chemistry) of a range of nanomaterials (organic and/or inorganic), their physical actuation and interactions with biological systems, and explores their capacities for targeted delivery of drugs, molecular imaging and diagnostics (transverse axe#2 biophysic). The two transverse axes of physico-chemistry and in-situ biophysics are common to the entire team. We combine expertise in the multiple disciplines (physics, chemistry, biology, pharmacology, biochemical engineering, medical imaging) that are necessary to advance fundamental knowledge and applications in this highly competitive field (scheme 1). Progress also requires solid foundations, which is challenging given the poor reproducibility of the biomedical literature. To address this challenge, we work on our own research practices, examine the validity and replicability of published work, and investigate the mechanisms of correction of science in the bionano field. Finally, we have an established track record and commitment for clinical transfer and industrial valorization. Overall, through transdisciplinary approaches, we aim to improve the knowledge of how nanosystems interact with biological systems as well as the survival and quality of life of individuals through the development of innovative tools, with the goal of advancing new prognostic, diagnostic and new therapeutic solutions with remote control to fight vascular pathologies.
The main themes of research that are developed in the Team are:
• Theme 1: Targeted therapy
• Theme 2: Molecular imaging
• Theme 3: Correction of science in the bionano field