Professional Equality Plan committee within the LVTS


In January 2023, we formed a Professional Equality Plan committee within the LVTS, whose members are:

This committee’s mission is to detect any bias that could disrupt the implementation of equal opportunities in recruitment and evaluation.

The committee is also responsible for proposing an organization to promote a balance of working hours and suitable management between personal life and professional life (better support for parenthood).

This committee will have to fight against all forms of discrimination that lead in particular to sexist behaviors, to violence of all kinds and to harassment attitudes. It disseminates the policy of Inserm and Universities and progress on Parity.

The LVTS has committed to refusing to validate financial and/or formal support, to participate in events whose program is clearly unbalanced. We ensure the application of recommendations in terms of equal opportunities, parity, recruitment decisions, promotions, solicitations for committees and juries, prizes, responsibilities, appointments to functions representing Inserm and our Universities, allocation of resources, which we are called to organize, validate or support.

NB: If you are victims or witnesses of sexist behaviors and actions, harassment, discrimination, you can seize our committee or the reporting device for situations of violence, discrimination, harassment and sexist actions of INSERM: