The ‘RHU‘ (Recherche Hospital Universitaire) action is to support translational research projects in health or clinical research, which are to be based on fundamental research in biology, epidemiology, social science or health economics and extend for a benefit for the care of patients, improving the understanding of diseases, more effective and better tolerated treatments, or a performance improvement of care systems.
The call for projects RHU wants to support research projects with strong potential for rapid transfer to industry or to the society.
Our research unit is involved in 5 granted proposals:
Project | Coordinator |
iVASC Innovations en science de l'athérothrombose | Gabriel STEG (AP-HP-LVTS) |
Ilite Innovations pour l'ingénierie tissulaire du foie | Jean -Charles DUCLOS-VALLEE |
CHOPIN Innovation et Personnalisation de la prise en charge de l’Hypercholestérolémie | Bertrand CARIOU |
Stop-AS Stopper le rétrécissement aortique et ses conséquences | Hélène ELTCHANINOFF |
TRT_cSVD De l'identification de nouvelles cibles aux traitements de nouvelle génération pour les maladies des petits vaisseaux cérébraux | Hugues CHABRIAT |