Category Archives: Videos
Boris HANSEL explain at TéléMATIN (France 2) the ‘Yoyo’ effect
Interview of Dr. Catherine Boileau at the ESC 2017 after her William Harvey Lecture award
Early detection of strokes

Télématin broadcasted on the 13rd May 2016 an interview from Prof Pierre Amarenco (Team 5) where it is explained why we should detect stroke as soon as possible. This is related to a paper published this year by P Amarenco et al (N Engl J Med 2016. 374:1533) describing the results obtained from the ‘’ project that was designed to establish the contemporary profile, etiologic… Read more »
LVTS Videos
2017 B Hansel -Reversion Diabète - Télématin 3Nov2917Interview of Dr. Catherine Boileau at the European Society of Cardiology - Sept 2017Le yoyo pondéral et ses effets expliqué par Boris HANSEL à télématin (Sept 2017)TF1_14Aout2017_CChauvierre_FucoFredric Chaubet_PresentationLVTS_P13 2015-2016 C Chauvierre Univers Le Monde 24_02_16P Amarenco 13 mai 2016 - Telematin - SOS AITJB Michel Telematin 24 Feb 2016 - Maladies parodontales et... Read more »