Acticor continues on its path, crowned with success


Acticor Biotech winner of the Prix Galien Medstartup in the category “BEST COLLABORATION IN THE PHARMACEUTICAL OR BIOTECHNOLOGICAL INDUSTRY”,organized by the prestigious Galien Foundation and by Business France. Read the press release Acticor Biotech announces FDA acceptance of its IND Application for Glenzocimab in Acute Ischemic Stroke Read the press release

Postdoc position in immunology available at UMRS1149 – Nicolas Charles’ group


A 2-year postdoctoral position is available in the Basophils, Mast cells and Immunopathology (BMI) team of the Centre for Research on Inflammation (CRI, INSERM U1149 CNRS ERL8252 University of Paris, Laboratoire d’Excellence INFLAMEX) at the Bichat Medical School, University of Paris, in Paris, France. The expected starting date is January, 1st 2022. Read the full description of the proposal.

miRNA Delivery by Nanosystems


miRNA Delivery by Nanosystems: State of the Art and Perspectives Moraes FC, Pichon C, Letourneur D, Chaubet F 2021 •Pharmaceutics • [pdf] MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short (~21–23 nucleotides), non-coding endogenous RNA molecules that modulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level via the endogenous RNA interference machinery of the cell. They have emerged as potential biopharmaceuticals candidates for the treatment of various… Read more »

Biomarkers of the future – Conference – 2021


L’institut des Sciences Cardiovasculaires — auquel le LVTS participe — s’associe à l’organisation de la conférence Biomarker of the Future 2021. Deux prix Jeunes chercheurs seront également attribués. Le site web de la conférence (pour info & inscriptions) : Ou plus d’informations sur le site de l’institut : BMF 21 Program

Webinaire du GREMI: “you get on my nerves”


GREMI Webinar: Inflammation: you get on my nerves  November 5th, 2021 – Free registration on the GREMI website  Programme :   Lecture 1: Nathalie Kubis “Stroke: a chronic inflammatory disease” – INSERM U1148 Paris.  Lecture 2: Claudia Verderio “Microglial microvesicles in motion at the neuron surface: implications in synaptic dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease” – CNR Milano Italy.  Lecture 3: Guy Simonnet… Read more »

Dr IZA YouTube channel


If you don’t know the YouTube channel of Dr IZA, this is the perfect occasion to discover it: a new great  video has just been published by Ilyass Zouhry (alias Dr IZA):   Ilyass is a young and talented pathologist . He is currently a PhD fellow in our research unit (Team 1). You can also follow him on his… Read more »

Prof Mikael MAZIGHI awarded the “Prix MFP des donateurs” from the Fondation de l’Avenir


The winner of this prize is chosen by the donors of the Fondation de l’Avenir from among six high-quality projects. The team of Professor Mikael MAZIGHI (Team 6), neurologist, Adolphe de Rothschild Foundation Hospital in Paris, was chosen for its work on how to advance the treatment of stroke. This Trophy was presented by Serge BRICHET, President Mutualité function publique… Read more »

In vitro strategies to vascularize 3D physiologically relevant models


In vitro strategies to vascularize 3D physiologically relevant models Dellaquila A, Le Bao C, Letourneur D, Simon-Yarza T 2021 •Adv Sci (Weigh) • [pdf] Vascularization of 3D models represents a major challenge of tissue engineering and a key prerequisite for their clinical and industrial application. The use of prevascularized models built from dedicated materials could solve some of the actual limitations,… Read more »

Acticor Biotech Announces the Completion of Enrollment in ACTIMIS, its Key Phase 1b/2a Safety Study


Paris, July 1st, 2021 – Acticor Biotech, a clinical stage biotechnology company involved in the acute phase of thrombotic diseases, today announces the end of recruitment in ACTIMIS, its phase 1b/2a study with glenzocimab (ACT017), a novel humanized monoclonal antibody fragment for use in patients with acute ischemic stroke. This therapeutic strategy emerges from the work of Dr Martine Jandrot-Perrus… Read more »

Prix CASDEN du Jeune chercheur attribué à des travaux sur le syndrome de Marfan


Le Prix CASDEN a été remis au docteur Ludivine ELIAHOU pour son étude clinique sur les effets bénéfiques d’un entraînement combinant endurance et résistance pour des patients atteints du syndrome de Marfan. La remise de ce prix 2020 s’est déroulée hier en visioconférence en présence de Vincent-Nicolas DELPECH, directeur du GHU AP-HP Nord – Université de Paris, de Claude JECHOUX, président CASDEN Banque Populaire, de Marion LELOUVIER, présidente du directoire de la… Read more »

« Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021 » d’Horizon Europe


La Commission Européenne vient de publier l’appel à projets « Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021 ». Cet appel reprend les modalités de dépôt des appels à projets « MSCA Individual Fellowship » d’Horizon 2020 qui permet à un post-doctorant d’être financé pour une durée de 2 ou 3 ans. Les départements d’Ingénierie et Management de projet de la DRIVE ont ainsi décidé… Read more »

Wi-Fi Université de Paris avec EDUROAM


Le service Eduroam offre un accès sans fil sécurisé à Internet aux personnels des établissements d’enseignement supérieur et de recherche, dans l’enceinte de leur établissement mais également lors de leurs déplacements. Il est maintenant possible d’accéder à ce réseau sur tous les sites et campus d’Université de Paris. Pour utiliser le Wi-Fi d’Université de Paris, vous devez télécharger l’installateur EDUROAM… Read more »

Pr Marianne Abi Fadel awarded the Christophe Mérieux 2021 prize


Prof. Marianne Abi Fadel, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at USJ and member of the UMRS1148 Team 2, received the Christophe Mérieux 2021 Prize from the Fondation Christophe et Rodolphe Mérieux- Institut de France. This prize, which will be awarded on June 2, 2021 to the Institut de France, will be mainly dedicated to research projects and humanitarian projects… Read more »

Poste ATER ouvert dans l’équipe 1 du LVTS


Un poste d’ATER est ouvert dans l’équipe 1 du LVTS. Poste et mission  Recherche : Le projet de recherche porte sur la compréhension de l’effet de la température sur la réponse des lymphocytes B dans des modèles expérimentaux chez la souris. Enseignement : Le candidat interviendra principalement au niveau de TP et TD d’immunologie, dans le L2 Sciences du Vivant, la L3 Pro Bio… Read more »

Offre d’emploi Ambiotis


Ambiotis, une société de services de recherche qui travaille avec les industries pharmaceutiques/biotechnologiques, cosmétiques et alimentaires, recherche un chercheur en immuno-inflammation et modèles animaux. Lire l’annonce

Coronary stent CD31-mimetic coating


Coronary stent CD31-mimetic coating favours endothelialization and reduces local inflammation and neointimal development in vivo Diaz-Rodriguez S, Rasser C, Mesnier J, Chevallier P, Gallet R, Choqueux C, Even G, Sayah N, Chaubet F, Nicoletti A, Ghaleh B, Feldman LJ, Mantovani D, Caligiuri G 2021 • Eur Heart J• [pdf] AIMS: The rapid endothelialization of bare metal stents (BMS) is counterbalanced… Read more »

CD31 Mimetic Coating Enhances Flow Diverting Stent Integration


CD31 Mimetic Coating Enhances Flow Diverting Stent Integration into the Arterial Wall Promoting Aneurysm Healing †Cortese J, †Rasser C, Even G, Bardet SM, Choqueux C, Mesnier J, Perrin ML, Janot K, Caroff J, Nicoletti A, Michel JB, Spelle L, §Caligiuri G, §Rouchaud A 2021 • Stroke • [pdf] BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Beyond aneurysmal occlusion, metallic flow diverters (FDs) can induce an… Read more »

Appel à candidatures spontanées pour le financement de post-doctorats par le China Scholarship Council


Le sénat académique d’Université de Paris a validé en décembre dernier un accord avec le China Scolarship Council (CSC) qui prend la suite de l’accord qui avait cours entre USPC et le CSC. Cet accord permet en premier lieu de proposer des sujets de thèses à des étudiants chinois (appel en cours porté par les Écoles Doctorales, cf document joint)…. Read more »

Acticor Biotech Announces the Recruitment of the First Patient in its Phase 2 GARDEN Study in COVID-19-related ARDS


– Approval of phase 2 GARDEN study in France and Brazil – GARDEN will enroll 60 patients hospitalized for COVID19 – First Patient included at University Hospital of Strasbourg Acticor Biotech is a clinical stage biotechnology spin-off of INSERM (built upon the expertise and the results of research conducted by the founders: Dr. Martine Jandrot-Perrus from U1148 Team 6 and Pr…. Read more »

Chicken egg white a new ‘old biomaterial’


Chicken egg white: Hatching of a new old biomaterial Jalili-Firoozinezhad S, Filippi M, Mohabatpour F, Letourneur D, Scherberich A 2020 • Materials Today • [pdf] Chicken egg white is an abundant, inexpensive and natural source of important proteins such as ovalbumin and lysozyme. Thanks to its bioactivity, easy handling, anti-bacterial activity and biodegradability, egg white is being used since centuries… Read more »

Karen Aymonnier, laureate of the Bettencourt prize for young investigators


Each year,the Fondation Bettencourt awards prizes for Postdoc training to young investigators. Among the 14 laureates of the 2020 edition, Karen Aymonnier (ex-Team 6 PhD student) received one of the prizes for a project that will be conducted in the Denisa Wagner lab. She will continue to work on the interaction of neutrophils and platelets during thrombosis.  



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Membranes for Guided Bone Regeneration


Membranes for Guided Bone Regeneration: A Road from Bench to Bedside Aprile P, Letourneur D, Simon-Yarza T 2020 • Adv Healthc Mater• [pdf] Bone resorption can negatively influence the osseointegration of dental implants. Barrier membranes for guided bone regeneration (GBR) are used to exclude nonosteogenic tissues from influencing the bone healing process. In addition to the existing barrier membranes available… Read more »

MedTech Translation in Academia


Enabling MedTech Translation in Academia: Redefining Value Proposition with Updated Regulations Letourneur D, Joyce K, Chauvierre C, Bayon Y, Pandit A 2020 • Adv Healthc Mater• [pdf] Academic institutions are becoming more focused on translating new technologies for clinical applications. A transition from “bench to bedside” is often described to take basic research concepts and methods to develop a therapeutic… Read more »

1 Post-doc & 1 technician/Ingénieur d’études positions (Immuno/microbio) available at U1152


Ci-joint une annonce concernant 2 postes ouverts dans l’équipe ‘‘Immunité Innée et défenses pulmonaires anti-infectieuses” dirigée par le Prof Jean-Michel Sallenave dans l’UMR1152 Inserm ‘Physiopathologie et Epidémiologie des Maladies Respiratoires’. Postdoctoral and technician positions JM Sallenave Carb-X Septembre 2020

Nanomedicine progress in thrombolytic therapy


Nanomedicine progress in thrombolytic therapy Zenych A, Fournier L, Chauvierre C 2020 • Biomaterials • [pdf] Thrombotic occlusions of blood vessels are responsible for life-threatening cardiovascular disorders such as myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke, and venous thromboembolism. Current thrombolytic therapy, the injection of Plasminogen Activators (PA), is yet limited by a narrow therapeutic window, rapid drug elimination, and risks of hemorrhagic complications…. Read more »

Human and Rodent Prostaglandin Receptors & Prostacyclin Receptor


International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology. CIX. Differences and Similarities between Human and Rodent Prostaglandin E2 Receptors (EP1-4) and Prostacyclin Receptor (IP): Specific Roles in Pathophysiologic Conditions Norel X, Sugimoto Y, Ozen G, Abdelazeem H, Amgoud Y, Bouhadoun A, Bassiouni W, Goepp M, Mani S, Manikpurage HD, Senbel A, Longrois D, Heinemann A, Yao C, Clapp LH 2020 •… Read more »

Phylogenic determinants of cardiovascular frailty


Phylogenic determinants of cardiovascular frailty, focus on hemodynamics and arterial smooth muscle cells Michel JB 2020 • Physiol Rev • [pdf] The evolution of the circulatory system from invertebrates to mammals has involved the passage from an open system to a closed in-parallel system via a closed in-series system, accompanying the increasing complexity and efficiency of life’s biological functions. The archaic… Read more »

CD31 as a Therapeutic Target in Atherosclerosis


CD31 as a Therapeutic Target in Atherosclerosis Caligiuri G 2020 • Circulation Res • [pdf] The potential of CD31 as a therapeutic target in atherosclerosis has been considered ever since its cloning in the 1990s, but the exact role played by this molecule in the biologic events underlying atherosclerosis has remained controversial, resulting in the stalling of any therapeutic perspective. Due… Read more »

Paris’ Claude Bernard Prize winner: Philippe-Gabriel STEG


As part of its policy of supporting medical research, the City of Paris annually awards two Grand Prizes to eminent personalities from the Parisian scientific community. Meeting on January 28, 2020, the jury for the Grands Prix de Médecine chose its winners: Philippe-Gabriel Steg (Team 5) and Nicolas Manel. The Grand Prix of Medicine and Medical Research of the City… Read more »

Volet universitaire du CHUGPN labellisé “projet immobilier de l’État”


C’est une étape importante pour la réalisation du volet universitaire du Campus hospitalo universitaire Grand Paris Nord qui vient d’être franchie. En effet, après une présentation de l’opération le 17 décembre dernier lors de la Conférence Nationale de l’Immobilier Public (CNIP) le projet a obtenu la labellisation de la Direction de l’Immobilier de l’État (DIE ) qui a émis un… Read more »

Postdoctoral Researcher or Project Researcher in Neurosciences


The University of Eastern Finland, UEF, is one of the largest multidisciplinary universities in Finland. We offer education in nearly one hundred major subjects, and are home to approximately 15,500 students and 2,500 members of staff. We operate in Joensuu and Kuopio. In international rankings, we are ranked among the leading universities in the world. The Faculty of Health Sciences… Read more »

Targeting PN-1 to control bleeding in hemophilia


Targeting protease nexin-1, a natural anticoagulant serpin, to control bleeding and improve hemostasis in hemophilia Aymonnier K, Kawecki C, Venisse L, Boulaftali Y, Christophe OD, Lenting PJ, Arocas V, de Raucourt E, Denis CV, Bouton MC 2019 • Blood • [pdf] Hemophilia A and B, diseases caused by the lack of factor VIII (FVIII) and factor IX (FIX) respectively, lead to… Read more »

A postdoc position in U1152 (Bichat Hospital)


A post-doctoral position is available for one year, in the first instance, in Pr. Jean-Michel Sallenave’s laboratory (see address below) in the INSERM Unit 1152 (Physiopathologie et Epidémiologie des maladies respiratoires). Starting date as early as February 2020. The successful candidate will have recently obtained a PhD in Immunology, and will have expertise in FACS technology and cell biology/molecular biology techniques. The project aims at… Read more »

Bronchodilation induced by PGE2 is impaired in Group-III pulmonary hypertension


Bronchodilation induced by PGE2 is impaired in Group-III pulmonary hypertension Ozen G, Benyahia C, Mani S, Boukais K, Silverstein AM, Bayles R, Nelsen AC, Castier Y, Danel C, Mal H, Clapp LH, Longrois D, Norel X 2019 • Br J Pharmacol • [pdf] BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: In patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH) associated with lung disease and/or hypoxia (Group III), a reduction… Read more »

Société AMBIOTIS recherche un TR supérieur de laboratoire à Toulouse


 La société AMBIOTIS basée à Toulouse est reconnue par la communauté scientifique internationale, pour sa capacité unique à travailler sur la résolution de la réponse inflammatoire de manière innovante. La société travaille avec les industries Pharmaceutiques, Biotechnologiques, Cosmétiques et d’Aliments Santé. Nous vous proposons de travailler dans un environnement innovant, à la pointe de la technologie et en lien avec… Read more »

Ticagrelor in Patients with Stable Coronary Disease and Diabetes


Ticagrelor in Patients with Stable Coronary Disease and Diabetes Steg PG, Bhatt DL, Simon T, Fox K, Mehta SR, Harrington RA, Held C, Andersson M, Himmelmann A, Ridderstrale W, Leonsson-Zachrisson M, Liu Y, Opolski G, Zateyshchikov D, Ge J, Nicolau JC, Corbalan R, Cornel JH, Widimsky P, Leiter LA, Committee TS, Investigators 2019 • N Engl J Med • [pdf] BACKGROUND:… Read more »

Mitigation of monocyte driven thrombosis on cobalt chrome surfaces by polyurethane coatings


Mitigation of monocyte driven thrombosis on cobalt chrome surfaces in contact with whole blood by thin film polar/hydrophobic/ionic polyurethane coatings Gossart A, Letourneur D, Gand A, Regnault V, Ben Mlouka MA, Cosette P, Pauthe E, Ollivier V, Santerre JP 2019 • Biomaterials • [pdf] Monocytes are active at the crossroads between inflammation and coagulation processes since they can secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines… Read more »

Immunometabolism in CVD


Giuseppina Caligiuri (Team 1) and Danilo Norata (University of Milan) present the content of a Cardiovascular Research spotlight issue focusing on immunometabolism. Link to issue. Aim of this Spotlight Issue is to present an overview of how changes in metabolic pathways of immune cells impact their function in the context of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Moreover, classical risk factors affect… Read more »

Mechanotransduction, immunoregulation, and metabolic functions of CD31 in CVD


Mechanotransduction, immunoregulation, and metabolic functions of CD31 in cardiovascular pathophysiology Caligiuri G 2019 • Cardiovasc Res • [pdf] Biomechanical changes in the heart and vessels drive rapid and dynamic regulation of blood flow, a vital process for meeting the changing metabolic needs of the peripheral tissues at any given point in time. The fluid movement of the blood exerts haemodynamic stress… Read more »

ISTH honors Martine Jandrot-Perrus amongst four other members with Esteemed Career Awards


The ISTH honored Martine Jandrot-Perrus (Team 6) amongst four other members with the Esteemed Career Award at the ISTH 2019 Congress Opening Ceremony. These awards are presented annually to individuals whose career contributions have significantly advanced the scientific community’s understanding of diseases and disorders that affect hemostasis. Their accomplishments are internationally regarded as exemplary models of research and mentoring excellence…. Read more »

Safety and Tolerability, PK, and PD of an Antiplatelet GPVI Fab


Safety and Tolerability, Pharmacokinetics, and Pharmacodynamics of ACT017, an Antiplatelet GPVI (Glycoprotein VI) Fab Voors-Pette C, Lebozec K, Dogterom P, Jullien L, Billiald P, Ferlan P, Renaud L, Favre-Bulle O, Avenard G, Machacek M, Pletan Y, Jandrot-Perrus M 2019 • Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol • [pdf]  • [Editorial] Objective– ACT017 is a novel, first in class, therapeutic antibody to platelet GPVI… Read more »

Thierry Lhermitte and FRM representatives at the LVTS

In the context of the FRM grant obtained by Fredéric Chaubet following the tender “Pionnier de la Recherche, Chimie pour la Médecine", Thierry Lhermitte, supporter of the FRM, and several foundation's members visited the laboratory. The project focuses on the treatment of intracranial aneuryms with novel bioactive devices and involves, in addition to the LVTS, two research teams from the... Read more »

Tridek‐One raises € 3 million from Advent France Biotechnology and Advent Life Science

Tridek One, Paris, June 4, 2019 ‐ Tridek One, a biotech company specialized in the development of products for the treatment of immune disorders, is pleased to announce a first round of funding of 3 million euros with leading investors Advent France Biotechnology and Advent Life Sciences. Tridek One was founded in 2018 by Dr. Giuseppina Caligiuri and Professor Antonino Nicoletti, researchers in... Read more »

Functionalized polymer microbubbles to target thrombus


Functionalized polymer microbubbles as new molecular ultrasound contrast agent to target P-selectin in thrombus Li B, Aid-Launais R, Labour MN, Zenych A, Juenet M, Choqueux C, Ollivier V, Couture O, Letourneur D, Chauvierre C 2019 • Biomaterials • [pdf] Thrombotic diseases rarely cause symptoms until advanced stage and sudden death. Thus, early detection of thrombus by a widely spread imaging modality… Read more »

Relationship of Iron Deposition to Calcium Deposition in Human Aortic Valve Leaflets


Relationship of Iron Deposition to Calcium Deposition in Human Aortic Valve Leaflets Morvan M, Arangalage D, Franck G, Perez F, Cattan-Levy L, Codogno I, Jacob-Lenet MP, Deschildre C, Choqueux C, Even G, Michel JB, Back M, Messika-Zeitoun D, Nicoletti A, Caligiuri G, Laschet J 2019 • J Am Coll Cardiol • [pdf] BACKGROUND: Intraleaflet hematomas are associated with advanced stages of… Read more »

Haemodynamic stress-induced breaches of the arterial intima


Haemodynamic stress-induced breaches of the arterial intima trigger inflammation and drive atherogenesis Franck G, Even G, Gautier A, Salinas M, Loste A, Procopio E, Gaston AT, Morvan M, Dupont S, Deschildre C, Berissi S, Laschet J, Nataf P, Nicoletti A, Michel JB, Caligiuri G 2018 • Eur Heart J • [pdf] Aims: Inflammatory mediators, including blood cells and their products, contribute… Read more »

Catherine Boileau awarded the grand prize of scientific recognition by the Queen of Belgium

Thursday, April 25th 2019: Prof. Catherine Boileau, co-leader of Team 2 and Head of Genetics Department of Bichat Hospital was awarded the grand prize of scientific recognition by the Queen of Belgium. Professor Boileau and her team have made significant and multiple contributions  in understanding the mechanisms responsible for the appearance of aortic aneurysms. With the hope that — as for... Read more »

Prof. PG Steg: appointed “Vice President for Research” of the Executive Board of AP-HP


Prof. Philippe Gabriel Steg (head of Team 5) has been appointed “Vice President for Research” of the Executive Board of the AP-HP on joint proposal of deans, university presidents and Inserm. The Management Board is chaired by the Director General and has two other vice presidents: the president of the medical commission of establishment of the AP-HP, Prof. Christmas Garabedian, is… Read more »

Campagne nationale « doctorat handicap » pour 2019


Le MESRI lance la campagne nationale « doctorat handicap » pour 2019. Voici les information pour l’ED BioSPC: LES DOSSIERS DEVRONT ETRE RETOURNES A L’ED AU PLUS TARD LE MERCREDI 27 MARS 2019. Dossier de candidature en format Word, Pièces annexes réunies en un seul PDF. Pour les équipes Paris Descartes ; Pour les équipes Paris Diderot ; Comme les… Read more »

Webconf du LVTS


Dans la mesure du possible, les séminaires du LVTS du vendredi seront désormais diffusés en direct en webconf. Pour vous connecter: 1/ utiliser GOOGLE CHROME (il est possible que Firefox fonctionne aussi…) 2/ aller à cette adresse : (à partir de 11h55).